100ste Spiritmail

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December 28, 1928


Prayers and Meditations is a book
in which Mother's prayers — mostly written when She was in
Japan — are published. A devotee
once said that of all the hundreds of publications of the Ashram, two books
stood out. They are The Mother written by Sri Aurobindo and Prayers and
Meditations written by The Mother. The Prayers were all written in French. Sri
Aurobindo, who loved French as much as English, selected several of these
Prayers and translated them into English. Thus these translated portions are
twice blessed. Mother was an adept in occultism. In one of these prayers She
speaks of coming out of the body successively twelve times. In that final state
She saw a sun above Her head and a Moon above the Sun.

In the Prayer written on December 28, 1928,
The Mother speaks about the Power, Joy, Knowledge, Peace, Happiness, Light,
Bliss, and Love that flow from the Divine Grace. We know of Joy issuing out of
success. The JOY issuing out of the Divine Grace cannot be understood as a
higher version of what we know, anymore than conceiving of
Delhi as a bigger version of a village.
Human joy is the opposite of sorrow. When children laugh very much, elders used
to warn them not to do so because it would later lead them to equal sorrow. The
character of human joy is that it has a counterpart of sorrow.

The divine Joy is unalloyed, unsullied. It is Self-existent. It does not need
the balancing factor of its opposite sorrow. Mother explains that the divine
light is one that no wisdom can possess. No philosophy on earth can give divine
knowledge. Our enjoyment comes out of the satisfaction of our desire. The
divine Bliss cannot be matched by any enjoyment man knows. In fact, that Bliss
— Ananda – arises when all desires are dead. About Spiritual Peace,
Mother says it is not attainable even in death. Man's quest for Love is
eternal. He seeks it in the relationship with a woman. The thirst for divine
Love, Mother says, cannot be appeased by any human relationship.