After all, I am a
Useless Person'
It is true that some people are
talented and others are not. There are boys who strive very hard year after
year to reach the first rank in vain. Sometimes they come close to their goal
and miss it.
Occasionally when they are declared first, it is reversed a little later, for
one reason or another, valid or invalid. It is at such times they declare,
I am star crossed.'' It is not for
The very gods are against me.'' All these experiences
are true in life. Theoretically they are not true. Spiritual theory, if I may
say so, declares this is not true. It is also the experience of a rare few that
useless persons are not really useless. They can become useful, achieve,
accomplish, if they choose. Anyway, the experience of the world is not
It is not true on two accounts. One is the Force that has come down makes what
was previously impossible, possible now. On closer analysis, one becomes
useless because he loves the present circumstances and is unwilling to change
his attitude. It is a question of willingness, not one of uselessness. I have
written about a boy who had no self-confidence in passing the exam standing
first in the class, and the poorest of villages becoming the richest pocket of
wealth. People become useless when they are determined to repeat their earlier
errors with a vengeance. There are people who cannot refrain from a certain
unwanted temperament – ridiculing, suspecting, attributing motives to others,
lying, etc. One becomes what he is by his temperament. Temperament is not
difficult to change.
Instead of declaring, I am useless'', they can
announce to the world or to themselves, I enjoy being angry. I do
not want to part with it. Being angry is more important to me than rising in
That will be a truer representation of their psychological status. We also see
that on occasion such people put out their charm instead of anger. It is not as
if it is a really impossible feat for them. If they choose, they can be sweet
also. For many it is anger.
For others it is stinginess, hurry, non-stop talking, acting without thinking,
clumsiness, loud voice, desire, demand, envy, doubt, suspicion, inertia,
stupidity, opinion, thought, preference, etc. The Bhagavat Gita says that Man
can become what he aspires for.