A Bi-Monthly Magazine for Spirituality
By Karmayogi
Suresh Menon, a journalist from Thrissur
who had a spiritual vision, has started a magazine called Spirituality and
Prosperity. As it was a long felt desire of mine, I have endorsed his effort in
all possible ways. Behind great movements such as the Indian Freedom Movement
or the French Revolution there lies an inspiring Idea. A magazine is a powerful
tool to deliver that IDEA to the cream of the population. The Divine Mother
started ARYA in 1914 as a vehicle for the Supramental Manifestation.
India is a land of Rishis.
Her sons carry the spiritual light in their bodies. The light is there in the
very depths of being; but life is dry and poor. Indeed all Prosperity is a
version of the Spirit. But the Spirit systematically expressed in life will be
PROSPERITY of the divine life. The West is prosperous. Western prosperity is
there because they have discovered Brahman in Matter. Their science is lifeless
and produces negative side effects and strengthens the Forces of violence of
all descriptions. My view is to discover Brahman in Life so that Life will turn
into LUCK, into one of unfailing success. This MAGAZINE will aim at reporting
in detail the experiences of believers who believe in the Spirit in life. Life
in the cities shows signs of initial prosperity. There are many who are honest
to the core, who have accepted honest ways as a discipline. They prosper more
than others. Our magazine will write about them or invite them to write.
The central mission of the magazine is to explain HOW Spirituality can be
expressed in daily life through explanations and examples. It invites readers
to write articles about such experiences of theirs. Four American writers, a
research scholar of the Mother's Service Society, and software engineers
have agreed to contribute regularly. The first issue is available on request
from Suresh Menon (lordsrikrishna@mail.com) or from The Mother's Service
Society. For the Indian Spirit to emerge freely, Sri Aurobindo said, she must
be FREE. When she became Free, HE said, she must be reunited with Pakistan. Her Spirit, which is destined to
be the GURU of the world, cannot play her true role as long as she is poor. She
must become PROSPEROUS, not only materially, but her Prosperity must be
Spiritual. It must come to her spiritually. All Prosperity is Spiritual. Let us
discover that Spirituality is Prosperity.