The Essence of Enduring Success
By Karmayogi
Success is rare. Failure is common. Enduring success is very rare. The efficiency of the whole makes for everlasting success. There was a time when law or medicine was practised by those who had innate aptitude for it. Professional colleges began to offer training in these professions later. Success in life still remains in the realm of natural aptitudes, whether it is in business or at home in the family. At home one who is incapable of making a success of his domestic life does not become a total failure. He moves down one level and becomes a success there, resulting in a loss of status.
In the first quarter of the 20th century, FORD ruled the automobile world as a colossus. Still Ford retains its height in a great measure. Sloan was an executive who joined General Motors, which was a distant second in the industry. Sloan rose to become the chairman of GM. He had an instinct for ORGANISATION composed of systems. Fords pride was technology and lower price. Systems in Ford were secondary. Steadily GM outstripped Ford and maintained that lead. It was a singular achievement of Sloan. As a young man, Sloan had borrowed $ 5,000 from his father, bought a losing company and turned it into a profit-making concern. The process of turning a losing concern into an earning proposition contains ALL the secrets of industrial success. They are the same rules for domestic success also.
All families of Chettinad put their children to apprenticeship in other establishments where they gained the complete training of successful entrepreneurship. They measured his success as a quarter, half, three fourths and full. About half the failures in the industrial estates are due to the lack of training. One possible remedy may be to offer an option of taking a losing concern and turning it into a successful venture as a project work for engineering graduates. The Church in USA has introduced premarital training for 15 days. They say it has had a vast beneficial impact on newly married couples. In India, at least immediately after the wedding if couples attend such a course, much of the acrimonious interchange can be eliminated. Joy can be trained to a great extent. Domestic JOY can be imparted as a psychological skill by a well-conceived course of thirty days. Its purpose will be best served if the course is taken before the wedding.