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The Power of Low Consciousness

By Karmayogi

I have referred to a water diviner
more than once. As he had a versatile personality with many facets, each time I
dwell on one of them.

The endowment he had was a subconscious sensation. His subconscious responded
to a movement of water underground. That vibration makes a neem twig – a forked
one – in his hand move, denoting the presence of water underground.

Once he was invited by an admirer of his to discover streams of water
underground. His admirer had a few rich friends living in the same
neighbourhood. As agreed, the water diviner and the customer met at the bus
stand. The water diviner was a snob, in spite of his external spiritual life.

The water diviner was more interested in demonstrating his skill to the rich
friends of his customer than discovering the spots where wells were to be dug. Those
rich people, in spite of innate goodness, were people given to dissipation, one
expression of low consciousness.

The water diviner insisted with his customer on bringing his rich friends. His
customer complied with the desire so insistently expressed. Sometime earlier
the two of them had walked over the spots intended for the wells, and streams
were located. The present visit was only to confirm and precisely peg mark the

All the members of the team reached the spot, the water diviner armed with a
neem twig. Standing right over the spot of the stream, the twig of the diviner
did not move. To test the fact, the diviner went to a nearby well and tried. His
twig did not move. What happened? Had he lost his water divining endowment
temporarily, or was it a permanent loss? What the diviner did not know is the
low consciousness of those rich men had cancelled a life-long endowment which
was his bread winner.

The customer was a devotee of the Spirit. He retired to another spot and
prayed. Out of the blue, two government officers came and took away the rich
men. The diviner was lost. The customer gently suggested to the diviner to pray
and moved to the intended spot again.

The twig moved vigorously. The stream underground was located and the diviner
regained his lost tool. The higher consciousness is capable of restoring a lost
subconscious endowment even as low consciousness can destroy it. In spite of
the tragic loss and miraculous recovery of his ability, the veneration of the
diviner for the very same people who destroyed it did not grow less. In fact,
it grew more.