The Dominant and the
The submissive daughter-in-law of earlier
decades can be seen as the tyrannised mother-in-law of the modern era. The
submissive continues to be submissive even when conditions change. Among
partners, friends, spouses, and colleagues, this is a reality. He who dominated
once continues to dominate; he who submitted in the beginning, as a rule,
continues to do so to the end of his life.
Spiritually, a soul takes
birth to experience one vibration, a guna, a trait – such as courage,
generosity, stupidity, intelligence, etc. – in one birth. That is why the human
soul needs endless births, as it needs to have ALL experiences before the cycle
is completed. The stages can be successive births of higher and still higher
courage until the soul comes to experience the purest expression of the greatest
courage. In the subsequent births, the soul usually seeks the opposite
experiences of fear, timidity, weakness, etc. If this is the law, the submissive
is condemned to be submissive forever. Yes, it is so as long as you accept the
Law of Karma.
But this is not obligatory. You can refuse to accept karma.
Karma will not have a hold on a man when he chooses NOT to submit to it. Karma
always expresses through gunas. To give up that guna through which one's karma
expresses is to give up one's karma. In a fallout between the dominant and the
submissive, the ever-present rule is the submissive goes back and makes up. The
rule of the dominant continues. The submissive cannot restrain himself from
In one such fallout – a quarrel – if the weak member, instead
of rushing back to the strong member, chooses to seek the Spirit inside, he will
see the phenomenon of the dominant member coming back to him and reconciling.
One such refractory husband who was all along dominating came back to his docile
wife saying, After all, we are husband and wife, how can we be apart?'' The
wife had a private joke, saying to herself, Because I went inside instead of
rushing to you in obedience.''