148ste Spiritmail

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Understanding Our Own

By Karmayogi

Luck is the prized possession of
human life, entirely not in our hands. This is our longstanding belief. As we
choose an academic course, take a degree, pursue a profession and shine there,
we can plan to acquire luck and succeed in it. Such a procedure has three
stages in it. 1) Understand your Personality, 2) Acquire humility, and 3) Learn
to convert humility into luck.

It means luck is a product of Personality. Luck is a material result outside. The
most common event considered to be lucky is a prize in the lottery. The
Americans consider striking oil lucky. In India,
winning a lucrative contract with the government or getting elected to a high
office is considered lucky. Man who meets with sixty percent failure in life
considers sixty percent success as lucky. The Luck I am presenting is almost
100% success. When the two preceding conditions are fulfilled, LUCK responds.

By Personality I mean the deepest Person we are. Our pleasant exterior to our
friends, we know, is not ourselves. It is for the outer social occasion. In
spite of the good words uttered, we harbour different thoughts inside. Such
inner thoughts vary from people to people. Our social friends do not enter our
inner psychological fabric. Only our close members of the family and other
intimate friends belong to that fabric. Even with them, even inside that
psychological fabric, there are two levels – one expressed and the other
unexpressed. The unexpressed is our true Person. It may be so out of polite
sensitivity or a desire to be secretive. Even behind that Person lies a
continent of inner emotions which is our Personality. Most of the time we know
it. There are times when we see we act differently from that Personality. Let
us consider this stage of our Personality.

What we see there requires no explanations. If they are good, we understand and
accept it. If they are NOT good, we must come forward to change them into GOOD
aspects. The dark aspects of Personality are incapable of creating luck. Understanding
the aspects of our Personality is for the purpose of making our Personality
entirely GOOD. A Personality that is GOOD in toto has the innate dynamism to
create luck when it fulfils another condition also. We shall consider that
process next. Its essence is to be Non-egoistic. When the ego is dissolved or
denied scope for expression or assertion, humility develops. A good Personality
is capable of creating luck through the attitude of humility. The Mother said She
knew only one humble person and it was Sri Aurobindo. If humility is that
exalted, can we ever attain it?