What does quarrel mean?
Mental relationship is conversation. Vital
(emotional) relationship is being together pleasantly. Unintelligent
conversation or conversation of unintelligent persons degenerates into a verbal
contest. Life has many paradoxes. One of them is unpleasant characters like each
other. Quarrel is one way they relate to each other. Their quarrel will not
necessarily lead to a break. Actually, the more they quarrel, the closer they
may come in certain instances.
When people are not brought up in
cultured ways and still like each other, their trying to understand each other
better is expressed as quarrel. They often develop a philosophy between
themselves: Quarrel is common between us. It has become a way of life. We must
learn to live with that.'' It is not impossible for quarrelling friends or
couples to give up quarrelling. Man quarrels. After the heat subsides, he takes
the initiative to reconcile; the relationship is restored. It is restored
without removing the cause of quarrel. At best, both try to avoid mentioning
that issue. The result is that the quarrel will again surface after some time,
as the seed of the quarrel is there undissolved.
It needs a certain
patient understanding or humility or goodness to speak out and say, Well, I
was hasty. It was unpardonable on my part.'' This appears to be a small gesture
between husband and wife or friends, but it is significant. Once this is
done, quarrel of this particular description may not arise again or at least for
a longer time than usual. To realise one's defects is introspection. To express
it to the offending individual is cultured behaviour. In the upbringing of
children, they pick up these cultured ways from the parents or are reared into
culture. Quarrelling is an uncultured exhibition, but its other side is it is
one person's attempt to better understand another