Who Will Pay the Two Rupees?
By Karmayogi
There are great occasions in life
when vast opportunities knock on one's doors. Life is strange for those
who do not know it. Those who know Life, know it is not strange, but its
strange ways are its very characteristics. The story of Duryodhana preferring Krishna's
army to Krishnaillustrates this theme. When a panel to select a vice-chancellorship was
constituted, its most influential member heard of a worthy candidate who was a
government officer. He was desirous of appointing the officer as the
vice-chancellor. On the day when the Panel member reached the metropolis, the
good friend of this honest efficient officer traveled all the way from his place
to introduce each one to the other. The government officer had a strange
inspiration. He said he had other work. Another name suggested by this Panel
member was appointed V C.
The story does not end there. That V C was again appointed at another place as
V C and was given a further term. Later he was elevated to national eminence in
the field of education. For all this, he who had other work was a far better
educational material than the one who readily accepted the offer. Many can
recall such instances where a small attitude cancelled a great opportunity. Someone
who was chosen as a Chief Minister of his state lost it forever by an
insistence on one such idiosyncrasy. A billion dollar project was cancelled
when it met with such an attitude.
Small men enjoy being small. Their minds travel in small attitudes. The range
is not only comfortable but gives pride of possession. When they occupy power
they exercise it with a vengeance. Luck has various attitudes. It rejects such
people once and for all. Sometimes it compels than to accept that piece of luck
in spite of their insistent refusal. When it does so, the man enjoys the luck
once and loses it for the rest of his life. A brilliant boy was refused
admission in a famous university.
Someone moved a senate member on his behalf. A compromise was offered. The boy
was conscious of the travel expenses involved in that half success. On further
insistence of the senate member, he was given the seat. But the boy had not yet
received the admission card. When asked to go to the university again, he
asked, What is the guarantee?