213de Spiritmail

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Yogic Response from the Divine

By Karmayogi

There are people whose souls are
ripe below the surface. They live an ordinary life on the surface, as the soul
is not expressing itself. When they come to Mother, they are filled with a SILENCE one gets after twenty years of
tapas, they hear venuganam, and find the hot road at 1 pm chill with birds
singing celestial music, etc. Some of them come here to Mother and feel an
exultation in Spirit, experiencing seven hours as a half an hour. One couple
came to have darshan of Mother and Sri Aurobindo and did not find them in their
seats. Instead, they saw an ocean of Light. The vision of Sri
Aurobindo in the jail when he saw the convicts as Narayana is one such yogic

One sceptical devotee who was unwilling to make pranams to Mother saw Her feet
golden and was moved. Another man asked Mother if it was true that She was
Kali, Eswari, Lakshmi etc. She revealed to him Her four aspects in succession
in the original divine form. A young lady saw Mother in the terrace Darshan
changing into Sri Aurobindo. A crazy man who had a subtle vision saw Mother at
her 90th age as a young girl of 25. When he saw Her photograph showing Her age,
he abused everyone saying that there was something wrong about the place. Until
he saw Her young age photos, no one could convince him that Mother was 90.

Mother gives the yogic Response to those who are yogically ripe. Sri Ramana
Maharshi saw a dead body and tried to imitate its poise. He went directly into
Samadhi, as he was already Jivan Mukta. Yogic response comes as subtle vision,
inner voice, spiritual smell, etc. When people make pranams to Mother's
picture, they see Her emerge out of it with real life.

India is a spiritual land.
It is right spiritually endowed persons develop their spiritual potential. As
they are in life, they follow the social or religious path. The time has come
to discard the routine life of the material world or retreat into the forest
shunning life. The greatest spiritual seekers of
Indiahave for years called down Peace, Truth and Light. When they descend, the race
will reach the heights of its destiny which will take it to unparalleled
heights. The call is to go forth from the soil of
Indiaso that the entire humanity might respond.