Eternal Romance
By Karmayogi
God has created the
world for eternal delight. It is sought through eternal Romance. Sri Aurobindo
speaks of four major events in the history of earth, in which he includes Krishna 's life in Brindavan.
In His view it is the most glorious Hour in the life of earth, Romance, however
intense or long, ends with marriage is the human experience. Spirituality all
over the world has demanded celibacy. Spirituality is considered as the
antithesis of Romance. The truth is that spirituality is the opposite of
social, family life, not of Romance, which is a play of one soul with another
soul. For those who seek domestic joy, a peaceful life of happiness, not
Romance of life, I have written an article of about 100 points and put it on
the MSS site on the internet.
If domestic joy can be called a Ph D, Romance can be compared to that of a
genius. It is the general belief that Romance cannot be retained permanently. But,
it is a truth of human life that the human heart longs for Romance eternally. Is
it an unattainable idealism or is there a truth there? Man seeks a woman for
her physical charms. Naturally it is transcient, as physicality has a
short-lived truth. A pleasant vital holds endless charms at a distance, but
close proximity undoes it in time. Minds do not meet as they always take
opposite views. Marriages last because of social compulsion, particularly
because of children. Romance vanishes into thin air. The physical eyes see the beauty,
the vital sensations enjoy the pleasant temperament, both of which can be lost
in time. The Spirit sees no defects, as it has no defects of its own. Any
defect you see in the other is ONLY a reflection of your own defects of which
you are unaware.
A young girl fell in love with a Buddha Bikshu who, of course, refused her
advances. She took to prostitution and her health broke down. She was on the
point of death. She again met the Bikshu. He took pity on her, laid her on his
lap and stroked her hair in deep compassion. She said, Had you
done this earlier, I would not have come to this pas.'' Mother says
there is no crime unpardonable. But to us there are crimes of which we cannot
think or hear. But, we forget the spiritual truth that without that crime in us
in some small subconscious measure, it won't come to us. Couples
separated for long often rejoin and lead a happy life, occasionally a happier
life than before. For the spiritually awakened eye, there is no defect either
outside or inside. Then life can be an eternal Romance.