Inner Richness that is Spiritual Fullness
By Karmayogi
Those who have worked
at the Matrimandir in Auroville know that when they go out for more than two or
three days, an inner longing develops to return to it. Having experienced the
touch of the Sprit in their own inner Spirit, they cannot stay away longer than
a few days from their centre of inspiration. Asians, Indians who set foot in a
Western country, especially America, feel they have gone to a paradise on
earth. Someone toured the world preaching his religion. He was impressed beyond
expression by the prosperity of the West. He said, ”The prosperity of the West
is phenomenal, but in America there is a great vibration which I am unable to
explain.” The USA in many ways is trying several experiments in social
evolution. So she is in the evolutionary vanguard. The secret of the great
vibration the missionary felt lies there.
An American lady who had stayed here for years in Pondicherry in Mother’s
atmosphere had to return to the USA, as her visa had expired. She had to remain
in the USA for several years before she could return. While here she had not
conducted herself as a devotee strictly following Mother’s rules. She lived in
her own personality, but in Mother’s atmosphere. Out there in USA, life is
materially rich, abundant, with clean and quiet cities, but she longed to
return to the old atmosphere in India. When she returned she heaved a sigh of
relief, but resumed her own old personality, taking no effort to follow Mother
in any particular way, except to read all of Mother’s writings with interest in
the original French. After five years there was a call from her family to visit
She undertook the trip for three weeks. Though her personality had remained the
same in the last five years, she was working for Mother, i.e. she moved from
Her atmosphere to Her work, but the personality remained the same. There was no
effort to change her own personality as Mother desires. To her great surprise,
she found her native USA even richer than before, the shops were bigger, towns
quiet and clean, money flowed more freely than ever. But this time, the inner
emptiness felt in that earthly material Paradise was so choking that after a
week, she almost decided to return. She did stay for the three weeks, but every
passing day increased the yearning for return.