DEO's Inspection
By Karmayogi
Inspection is an annual
event of great moment in a school. There is no such inspection at the level of
college. The DEOs will spend the lion's share of their speech on English
teaching and divide the rest over all the other subjects. In addressing the
staff of the school, any DEO spends an hour. Out of that, fifty minutes will be
absorbed by his pronouncements on English and the rest will receive some passing
reference. Tamil, Hindi and Sanskrit will not be referred to at all by the
inspecting authorities. No DEO will spend more than ten minutes in a Tamil
class. Often his assistants will supervise the Tamil class. There was a famous
Tamil Pandit in a school. His name was Palaniswami Sivachariar. In his own
village he was head of a Mutt. His scholarship in Tamil was consummate. No one
knew his name. Everyone called him Pandit, especially Peria Pandit –
Senior Pandit.
Tamil Pandits sing the Tamil poems. It is the tradition. Poems in Tamil sung in
the class change the atmosphere of the class. The school he was working in
lacked discipline, but in his class there was not only perfect discipline but
also pin drop SILENCE. Once during an inspection, the DEO came to his class. He
was entranced by his teaching and did not leave the class till the bell rang. Even
after the bell rang, he would not leave the class. Seeing his attitude, the Pandit
continued teaching. The next period was over. The bell did not make an
impression on the DEO. The Tamil Pandit's teaching made an impression.
Most of the Tamil poems, especially the devotional songs, are celestial. The
old Sangam literature belongs to the class of world literature. But the Spirit
in them comes out when they are sung. This Pandit was no mere Tamil Pandit. He
was a scholar of eminence. And he enjoyed a ringing voice essential for
It is said when Tansen, Akbar's musician, sang, the deer from adjacent
places would come to listen. Music is an easy vehicle for the Spirit, as it is
divine by nature and constitution. The SPIRIT in any work will emerge if the
suitable vehicle or medium is supplied. This Tamil pandit was capable of making
the DEO listen to the poems for three periods, as he was able to evoke the
Spirit in the poems. To do so in life – to bring out the Spirit in life –
is to make it celestial, sweet, harmonious. It will be life of inner Peace and
outer Joy. In such a life, problems as we know now cannot exist.