Editorial of Consecration'
Friday August 27 2004 10:34 IST
By Karmayogi
The editor of
Consecration', a journal from Thrissur, is publishing an editorial
in the next issue about the spiritual values of India. Quoting several
sources and several authors he pleads for the corporate sector to turn to our
ancient values of the Spirit as explained in our scriptures. His ideal is
laudable, great, and what Indian needs just now.
It is one thing to possess great values; it is another thing to enjoy their
benefits. There was a time when RBI harassed small men for a paltry $12 as
foreign exchange was scarce. Now foreign exchange has collected in a great
measure. India needs development. At one time, anyone would ask,
It is all right that we need development, but where is the money
to come from?'' Now the bank deposits have crossed the all time
high. These two are the least of our resources. Do we know how to use them? Or,
have we considered whether this could be drawn upon or not?
Spirit is too lofty, and money is down to earth. In between are hundreds of
levels of resources that can make India rich, prosperous, happy and a leader
among nations. To know how to use a resource is resourcefulness. Sri Aurobindo
wrote in 1916 about the possibility of the European nations forming a
federation. After fifty years, it is taking economic and political shape. The
aim of the magazine Consecration' is to initiate the Indian
population into the values of the Spirit. It needs to be done in two ways: 1)
the enlightened elite of India should offer ideas, schemes, systems,
and values that can express the Spirit, and 2) the population from their own
daily experience can convey to the magazine ideas that can gain popularity.
Ten years ago, one such scheme was given to the government to generate 100
million jobs. I have often spoken about the great value of insurance. Without
expecting the government to do anything, people from their own level can
approach insurance companies for schemes they need. Career Development Foundation
of India in Madras has been suggesting that the JOB OPPORTUNITY for
bright boys for one year be insured. It is a great beginning. Surely it could
lead us to a better life.
The basic ideas are to be formulated from above. The practical requirements
must be spoken from below. A magazine such as Consecration' can be
the field where these two meet. When Sharad Pawar was the Chief Minister of Maharashtra, we spoke to him
about one such idea on housing and showed how MONEY was not an obstacle. The government
can act. Or companies can initiate. People can join together to act. Magazines
can rise to the occasion and prove they are truly power-packed magazines.