Srinivasa Ramanujam
President Dr Abdul Kalam has suggested that
instead of waiting for a Hardy to discover another Indian genius, we should set
about seriously searching for one. It is a laudable suggestion from an eminent
personality. It is not a question of creating a genius but of searching for one
who may be lost in the oblivion of obscurity. India has witnessed a procession
of spiritually realised souls, not in hundreds but maybe in thousands over the
millennia. Genius is the penultimate stage where, deviating from his own avowed
goal of moksha, the Rishi diverts himself in a subject such as astronomy,
mathematics, medicine, music, etc. The spiritual realisation in one generation,
it is said, is never lost after that. It will be mostly in their descendents or
those kindred souls that have picked up the vibration of Spirit. That blessed
soul may not be aware of its presence in him. But it will never be totally
suppressed and buried. It will show itself to the discerning eye, expressing
itself in another unexpected field. All those who possess out of the ordinary
talents in their own respective fields, whether it is tractor driving, building
or public speaking, are potential candidates to be approached. The team that is
on the lookout for the ONE must be given the training to look for extraordinary
talents in a graded scale. On the surface it will be talent par excellence.
Behind, it will lurk as essence of talent, a conceptual comprehension of the
field hitherto unknown. Such people would be ridiculed in their own work spot.
The potential candidates will be, more often than not, QUIET and will be lost
inside themselves. To frame all the criteria for such a search and reduce it to
workable administrative procedures that are most likely to land on the target is
possible. Should the parents suspect such a latent possibility in their child,
the very best method to help it emerge is to teach the child utter