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World Army

Wednesday September 8 2004 08:22 IST

By Karmayogi

The world, world union,
World Army, World Parliament have been ideas afoot for a long time. Many such
ideas were described as moonshine at the time of their conception.

A few later became a reality, such as the European Union, and others became
topics for scholars to study. Again, a few turned out to be moonshine.

Marx's idea of Socialism never gained ground for 70 years until Lenin
made it a reality. It ended up as a reality of command economy and police

After 70 years, it destroyed itself. Socialism in the sense of welfare to the
masses has become an abundant political fact all over the world. When one such
idea arises, along with that a whole crop of ideas appears, perhaps
illustrating the principle that there is nothing unique, but all belongs to a
general type.

Around the time the Cold War ended, it was estimated that the defence expenses
of the world were $1.2 trillion. With the ending of the Cold War, there was a
substantial reduction in this. Some claimed it to be a third. The one commonly
known argument about these savings is that it could go for development
expenses. If it did, it is welcome.

The presence of an army in each country implying that the nation must be ready
for war at some time is a belief that can generate subconscious tension in the
people. The tension Cold War generated was palpable in the sixties and
seventies. Also, the relief when Cold War ended was equally tangible.

It was Robert Van Harten, the Member from Holland, who mooted the idea
of a world army at Moscow at the meeting of the International
Commission on Peace and Food. The Commission endorsed it.

Recently, the European Union is considering the idea of one Army for all its members.
It is at the stage of an idea. An idea is valuable. But people in the field
have to implement it. They see all the practical issues they will face in
implementing an idea. No idea is practised before it is fully prepared in all
its details anticipating all the hurdles.

When an idea becomes a scheme or a programme, it meets with not only obstacles
but opportunities. The realities are accepted and a working scheme is prepared.
In other words, an idea is organically dynamic. So its growth is organic too,
not fully prepared previously.

The World Army that will replace the national armies is one such dynamic idea
capable of organic growth. If it ever comes into existence, it will be the
world police or a Peace Army. It is worth examining again in the present
context of the post-Iraq war.