Good Emerges Out of Evil
Thursday October 14 2004 08:11 IST
By Karmayogi
Common sense is
understood as rationality. It expects good results for good acts, evil results
for evil acts. Very often this is correct. Sometimes it goes wrong.
One who was unemployed for ten years after his MA took his uncle's son
under his care when the uncle died. Along with the son came his mother. Soon he
found a teaching job in a university where he admitted his cousin in B.Sc.
That university started an engineering college that year, the second
engineering college in the then Madras State. The boy passed,
took an employment. He was well married by his patronising elder cousin and had
two children. On his way to a temple, a lorry knocked his jutka over and he
died on the spot along with one child.
Everyone who knew the goodness, generosity and sacrifice of the cousin was in
despair at this evil of life. Why should Evil emerge out of so much Good, a
good that is selfless and of pristine purity?
An elderly man cultivated a young entrant in his institution as a good friend
who was completely taken in by the elderly crook. He was evil incarnate,
nourished jealousy and acted with motiveless malignity, all the time enjoying
the full confidence of his young, nae victim.
The crook was an adept in exploiting every circumstance to his advantage. His
pleasant exterior was a façade. Everyone was taken in. All his attempts to
injure his young victim for six long years of relentless tale-bearing and
consummate conspiracy bore no fruit. An excellent opportunity came his way and
it was adroitly exploited with dextrous skill.
The youngster was a complete victim and suffered an irreparable loss by this
heinous crime. About a year later, the crook received a rare lift in life, a
reward that was inconceivable. Why does life act this way? We have several
personalities lying in layers inside us. The social personality acts according
to circumstances. Here the reward is for your social standing, not for your
capacity. Deeper than that is the personality of psychology.
Life rewards here for your motive, disregarding capacity. Deepest is the
Spiritual Personality which seeks spiritual experience. There, only GOOD
exists. It is above life. Ability to invoke our inner Spiritual Personality
overcomes our social circumstances, our motives and even our capacities.
Here rewards arise according to what you are inwardly, not what you do. A
mother tried to right her wrong to her son because of her negative attitude to
the daughter-in-law and took a rare step genuinely. The result was the son was
hurt in his job. It means, below the true emotions of repentance of the mother,
there lived the mother-in-law, the human Evil. Mother asks for a sincerity at this
deepest level.