32ste Spiritmail (deel 2)

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Truisms of Spirit in Life


* Should we long for luck to come to others,
money will move to us.

* To earn is difficult; to preserve it is more
difficult. He who has earned money, should also earn common sense.

* To
know the Spirit is to be inwardly full. Should we accept it as a way of life,
the outer life will be abundant.

* Problems arise when we are unable
to handle ourselves dexterously.

* For one who will not repeat his
earlier errors, money will never be scarce.

* He who treats falsehood as
truth can never invoke the Spirit. If he ever does it, it will lead to no

* Scarcity of funds reveals lack of good temperament.

Resorting to shortcuts removes one from Spirit.

* Cleverness of any type
will eliminate the Spirit.

* One can cheat anyone, not himself.

Self-deception leads to incompetence.

* One who betrays someone cannot be
true to anyone else.

* Purity of mind in a wife ensures the longevity of
the husband.

* Vain pride will eliminate the results, which will elude
the seeker.

* Shortcut to ruin is jealousy.

* If one hopes to
reach the Spirit through falsehood, he is one who tries to touch the sky by
outstretched hands.

* No problem will remain unsolved when the heart
that created it by offending others changes.

* Seek life for
expressing the Spirit, do not seek Spirit to enrich your life.

* Man
seeking cruelty will be met by life with darker cruelty.

* Ridiculing the
fallen man will lead you to die starving.

* He who challenges to ruin
another will surely meet with utter ruin.

* Should you wish for abundant
prosperity, do not cringe before the wealthy.

* The other name of Luck is

* When every wish is fulfilled and when unexpected good luck
also overtakes one, it does not mean all this will generate FAITH in

* Jealousy makes life mean and perverse. To be jealous of a
spiritual individual is certain ruin.