Saturday February 26 2005 08:11 IST
By Karmayogi
Real-Idea is the original phrase of Sri Aurobindo who attributes it to being the faculty of the Supermind. He calls it a self-effectuating Idea, an idea that has the inherent power to fulfil itself. Our mind has knowledge and will. Knowledge knows, will implements.
I come to know of a conference in Washington. I understand attending this conference will do good to me, my career and my research. This is the knowledge of it. My knowledge about this conference will not take me to Washington. It has no power to buy my ticket, secure me an invitation, offer me leave of absence, etc.
That part belongs to my will, usually called determination. The mind knows, the will executes. In Real-Idea, both the knowledge and will are together. If you know, it will be fulfilled.
Sri Aurobindos Force has the Real-Idea, i.e. when you know, what you know accomplishes itself. As soon as you come to know of the conference in Washington, if you invoke Mothers Force – Sri Aurobindos Force is The Mothers Force – you will be called by your professor who tells you of this conference and asks whether you are willing to attend it.
When you listen to him about his need to send someone from his department and the department will secure your visa and ticket, you are pleasantly surprised. After you attend the conference and return, you tell yourself, It was a long felt dream. I was not strong enough to wish for it, being the junior most in the department. It all happened by itself, as if there was a Hand behind guiding it.
A devotee of Mother said, When I first learnt of Mother, things happened in quick succession, often without my knowing, often without asking. It was overwhelming. No one around me believed what happened, even after the event. They thought I was lucky.
Now I pray day after day but nothing moves. I do not know why. It is so because in the beginning, not knowing Mothers Force, there was no expectation. Now the mind is full of expectations and calculations. It is not within ones power to get rid of them.
In spite of such hindrances, some things happen, many things do happen, but not as before. The calculations and expectations can be shunted to the background, if we understand they are in the way. Calling the Mother non-stop for a day or preferably for three days does the miracle.
Then our idea of the work gives place to the Real-Idea. We have well developed plans for any work. They are in the way. Mother wants our minds to be blank. Calling – repeating Mothers name – renders the Mind blank. The Force is always there ready to act.