41ste Spiritmail

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“The Hound of Heaven”

Sri Aurobindo speaks of this as a great
poem. It is by Francis Thompson. When Mahatma Gandhiji was in jail, he read this
poem and Rajaji sent him some notes on it. Later when Rajaji met his leader,
Gandhiji, in jail they discussed this poem extensively. A police officer was
posted to record their conversation and report to the government.

earliest pre-occupation of man was the quest for God, Freedom, Light and
Immortality' says Sri Aurobindo. Man dreads what he longs for, especially when
it is granted to him. This is often witnessed in weddings. Everyone gets
married; but some are in a hurry to get married or insistent on a particular
person. It baffles people when such persons exclaim on the eve of the function,
‘I wish somehow this marriage is stopped'. This contradiction is one of the
basic characteristics of human nature – the capacity to reject what one longs

In “The Hound of Heaven”, God comes on earth in response to the
ardent call of a devotee but fright takes possession of the devotee. He seeks
asylum in every object of his adoration, in his wife, children, friends, etc.
but all of them refuse to help him, as he is rejecting the call of Heaven.
Finally God overtakes him. Rajaji and Gandhiji had a lengthy, lively discussion
on this poem. The police officer faithfully wrote his report to his superiors
that Gandhiji and Rajaji had discussed dogs.

We understand God's
intention in life, as the police officer comprehended the holy discussion of
these pious souls. The Spirit is no longer distant or elusive but is at our
doors. In its divine compassion, the Spirit awaits our call. We are human. We
love the Divine from a distance and our love is true, pure bhakti. We love our
families and friends more. It is there we hide ourselves when our call is
answered. Can we shed our reservation and let the Spirit emerge in our lives?
When it so emerges it will be heaven on earth.