A Letter from a Reader
Tuesday March 1 2005 08:57 IST
By Karmayogi
Readers write to me. Mostly their letters come by email. Their letters are of various descriptions. Most are prayers to Mother, others are thanksgiving for their prayers answered.
Some evince interest in the Masters life, a few are inclined to know of His writings. Rarely I receive a letter that responds to the Masters message or The Mothers ever-present Grace. When I receive one such, I cherish it. An enlightened soul writing to know how to get into touch with the Force is an enthralling occasion. I had the privilege of receiving several such emails. Knowing their souls are receptive, I eagerly await further developments.
A software engineer evinced such interest, visited Pondicherry, bought and read some books. He was struck by the idea of token experiment in my book Spiritual Opulence. I give below his email:
I purchased the book Spiritual Opulence and liked it very much. At the end of the book is a token experiment. A month back I was passing through a struggling period in my career. I decided to give this a try. After one month my company is sending me to USA and Canada for a long term assignment. I did not expect such a sharp turn around. I will be working on Goldman Sachs project in New York, the same Goldman Sachs which finds mention in your book, Spiritual Opulence. Its famous report on the Indian Economy says that India will be the third largest economy by 2050 AD (though they have revised the forecast that this can happen as early as 2030). I will be putting my foot on American soil on 21st February, though I wish I could have been in Pondy on this day.
I replied to him saying if a great many young men see the truth in the Report of Goldman Sachs and make it real in their own lives – i.e. rise as fast as India rises it will release a movement that will help India realise her goal. For an opportunity to arise in the atmosphere is GRACE. To avail of it is faith that leads to LUCK. Now is the Hour of God, it is knocking on your psychological door.
Open it, invite the Grace, embrace it forever, do not put up your usual socially formal ideas and turn it away. God is moving towards MAN who was sitting for years in tapas to get a glimpse of Him. Mother said money is the link between the Supermind and Man. Earn money by the tons, earn it rightly. Values are spiritual. Learn to value the values. Do not shun money led by the old-fashioned austerity that is outmoded.