64ste Spiritmail

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Token Act – Psychological

By Karmayogi

Abundance, plenty, and opulence have many votaries. It is welfare.
Others are interested in well-being more than welfare. To them, life is
inward and psychological. The rules of welfare and well-being are the
same. One is outward and the other is in the inner domain. The same
experiment can be recast to suit them. One prerequisite for that is
aspiration, a true desire for inner well-being. Such an experiment
cannot be started in its absence. Those who have that aspiration can
straightaway start it. Others must aspire for aspiration.

As an aid, ‘Let Thy will be done, not my will’ or ‘Mother’ can be
repeated. It can be done without such oral aids, where the aspiration
has intensity. The work of the Token Act is to reach that inner point of
intensity and remain there forever. For a raw individual uncultured in
the art of spirituality, to reach there takes years. Most of us are
endowed with a dormant inner light. Orthodox people, pious individuals,
God-fearing persons, good souls, and any Indian has that full
potentiality buried in him, unless a wave of westernisation has killed
that vibration. An attitude of utter Truthfulness at once brings that
light to the surface. It acts as Grace of the Spirit and makes possible
in days what will otherwise require years.

Reach your thought that urges for expression. Don’t express it. Try to
consecrate it. Again it is a protracted process. Persevere. One in a
hundred times or ten occasions it may yield. Then thought moves away,
revealing mental energy. Again repeat the consecration. Feelings and the
energy behind the feelings reveal. At last sensation and the bodily
energies reveal. Reaching the final point, there will be a shower of
Spiritual Shanti whose vibration has been growing up till then. It will
afford one the taste of inner well-being, as if one is in celestial
felicity for a moment. Yoga demands that such a depth be reached in all
acts. Mine is a compromise for life. To be able to reach such a
spiritual depth in ONE act will be enough for the goal of well-being.
Such a well-being is inclusive of all types of welfare.