65ste Spiritmail

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The English are Wedded to Democracy

By Karmayogi

There is no valid Theory of Creation except what Sri Aurobindo has given
to the world. Applying that theory to society, politics, culture, yoga and
poetry, He wrote The Human Cycle, The Ideal of Human Unity, The Foundations
of Indian Culture and Savitri. Theory of Social Evolution outlined by The
Mother?s Service Society is an extension of this theory to social development.
As Sri Aurobindo?s knowledge is total, complete, integral and comprehensive,
every phenomenon of history, politics, literature, life, etc. must be explained
by this theory.

Political theorists have come out with theories of how empires grew up and
dissolved. Anthropologists are discovering newer facts. Historians have explained
why democracies grew in Europe and dictatorships in Asia. More and more facts,
laws, theories are being discovered. Sir Arthur Lewis has described what
made England initiate the Industrial Revolution. Writing in 1948, Winston
Churchill said, ?England is wedded to democracy, but we do not know why?.
I do not know whether historians have accounted for it since then. I know
the Indian tradition knows the principles behind what Churchill did not know
in 1948. The Theory of Social Evolution can explain this phenomenon as well
as all the other unexplained historical phenomena. There is a businessman
in Madras who is fond of repeating, ?If you have not lost money, you won?t
have the business acumen.? Sri Aurobindo says unless a nation has been enslaved
by another nation, it cannot conquer other nations. England was long ruled
by various European nations. England, who was thus deprived of liberty for
a long time, has now become the mother of democracy and a champion of liberty.
Thus she has qualified herself to gift liberty and democracy to the world.

Suppose someone makes a list of all unexplained phenomena in history, life,
literature, and politics, he will be able to find all the answers applying
this Theory to those issues, as it is comprehensive. What the Madras businessman
knows as practical wisdom has behind it the principle that answers Churchill.
The pity is Indians do not know what they have and know. By knowledge of
the Indian heritage and by applying it to the requirements of modern life,
the Indians can lead the world in Thought and Spirit.