83ste Spiritmail

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Good Will Towards the Spirit

By Karmayogi

Man acts from his feelings – the vital. He can act from the Mind, but
except when he has to think on purely mental ideas like geometry, he
acts from the feelings of the Mind itself. Mother says Perfection and
imperfection are coexistent. The moment we see Perfection fully, the
imperfection disappears. She says the same thing about Truth and
Falsehood. Mother says the atmosphere of the earth has changed. The
atmosphere of the earth is Nature for us. Life that includes animals and
plants is part of Nature. We are part of society, which is organised

Before the war, life was difficult. One could not survive. Except for
those who got a job in the government, others’ survival was a big
question. To survive was like pulling teeth. Life acted as if it enjoyed
thwarting our efforts. That was why they called life evil. The call was
given to give up life. Mother says that life has now changed. For a
small GOOD act, life gives you a very big award. It is a radical change
in life. We now see it in the lives of so many people. They rise
meteorically. She also says for a small slip, one crashes down.

For a Tamil conference in Pondicherry in 1974 some eminent Tamil
scholars came. Those were the days when scholarship in Tamil was
rewarded with eminence in the field of Tamil, not with material rewards.
They were invited to a spiritual centre. One scholar was a master in his
own field, but had no academic degree. The other had a Ph.D. in Tamil
and was a professor in a newly started college. At the Centre they were
introduced to a former student of that college who had not been a Tamil
student. The professor strained to see whether he could remotely
recognise that student, though he had studied 24 years earlier. As the
student was well known during his college days, the professor showed
signs of recognition and pleasure at recognition. It was a pleasant act
of good will towards one in Spirit. A little later, the Tamil professor
was appointed as Vice-Chancellor of a recently founded university, a
rare recognition to Tamil scholarship in those days. To the student who
had evoked the GOODWILL in the professor, it was a confirmation of
Mother’s statement: ”A small, good act brings a great good reward.”