97ste Spiritmail

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The Great Indian Dream


Mr. Arindam Chaudhuri and Mr.
Malay Chandhuri have published a book entitled The Great Indian Dream. In it they voice their inspired vision of
India in the near future.These are patriotic young men passionately voicing their vision of future India. Their studies are well
documented. Not only do they demand progress, but they outline a plan of their
own. It is worth full consideration. In their publication I see the tip of the
emerging Spirit of India.

Two of the authors' ideas are
rewarding. One is that their scheme for future Indian Prosperity is based on
self-reliance and not foreign aid. The second is that, in spite of being young,
they see the cultural trap into which the youth are falling.
are highly educated, have travelled far and wide, and are sophisticated in the
best sense. Still they have not become a victim of the present life-style. They
value values. Their values are Indian. They are spiritual values. They cherish
the home and its psychological security. The youth of the West have destroyed
the family in their zeal for freedom. They have freed themselves from the
family too!

To conceive that India can
USA in
2025, one needs a daring vision. Answering the common question of how, they
explain the stages through which
Indianeeds to be taken to reach the goal. The
altar at which all good schemes are sacrificed is finance. Here too they come
out with ideas to generate the colossal amounts of money needed for the
All the MONEY
Indianeeds for abolishing poverty is there in India.
All the Ideas that can make
Indiaprosperous are there in India.
What is surprising is they are found in multiple forms and multiple quantities.
India needs a leadership
that is passionate about her future. The Chaudhuris represent that future
leadership. Their vision is of enthusiastic imagination but well documented and
well argued for their rationality. The authors are the tip of the iceberg.
Fifty percent of the population that is youth carries in it a dynamo of energy.
They can make India wealthy.