Psychic Sadness
In a respectable family sometimes
children take to the ways of loafers. Parents are sad. They are sad that the
children are unable to appreciate the status, reputation, culture, and value of
the family. It all can be lost by one act of indiscretion, one single attitude
of mercenary motive. What is lost is lost and can never be restored, at least
never be restored in its original magnificence. Sri Aurobindo came to the world to usher human life into the Marvel of
Supramental Splendour. He saw He was not understood. People who came
to follow Him cherished the values of the tradition. They were not receptive.
They moved away. HE was sad all
His life. It was Psychic Sadness.
Psychic Sadness has several versions. Napoleon conquered the whole of Europe.
He could not conquer Russia.
He retreated. Coming back, he set out to consolidate the political gains of the
French Revolution into legal, administrative reforms so that they might turn
into social gains. He did it. The entire Europebenefited from that. It stands there till today. Then he moved away from his
aim, became a megalomaniac, made himself an emperor, desired to create a
dynasty. His evolutionary period was over. He became a Rakshasa. Now Napoleon
had to be destroyed. God gave that duty to Russia,
Germany and England, says Sri Aurobindo. Wellington at Waterlooand Nelson at Trafalgar defeated the French. Napoleon retired to St.
Helena. The world knows of Napoleon. Wellington is
remembered in England as the famous General who defeated Napoleon.
News of Napoleon's death was received by Wellingtonwith sadness. God was there in Napoleon to give Freedom to the world. The man
in Napoleon arose after he accomplished his mission. It was assigned to Wellington to destroy the Rakshasa in
Napoleon. He did it successfully. But Wellingtonwas sad when Napoleon died, as he too was aware of the God in Napoleon. The Spirit and Nature – ego — are found mixed in
us. It is not easy to separate them. To do so is a greater spiritual endeavour
than tapas.