Hier vind je de gesprekken (over het algemeen in het Frans) die Satprem, een discipel van de Moeder en Sri Aurobindo, van 1958 tot 1960 met de Moeder heeft gehad over het Grote Werk waar de Moeder mee bezig was. Deze gesprekken zijn ook ook gebundeld in het 13-delige “Moeder’s Agenda” en is een werkelijk avontuur om te lezen.
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This first volume is in great part devoted to what might be called “Satprem’s psychological preparation,” from his arrival in Pondicherry in February 1954, “after having knocked on all the doors of the old world.” Ultimately, he would stay beside Mother for 19 years, listening to her and recording the account of her experiences in the cellular consciousness – what forms the 13 volumes of the Agenda.
Satprem, “True Love,” as Mother called him, was a reluctant disciple. Formed in the French Cartesian mold, a freedom fighter against the Nazis during the Second World War, and in love with his freedom, he was always ready to run away, yet always coming back, drawn by a love greater than his love for freedom. Being with Mother was, in his own words, like “struggling with the jungle, machete in hand – ultimately to melt, to fall in love, so beautiful it is… It was fascinating and detestable, overpowering and warm. One felt like screaming and biting, and running away, but always returning.” Slowly she conquered him, slowly he came to understand the poignant drama of this lone indomitable woman struggling to unseal man’s evolutionary future, to open the door to a new species after man. And how does one open the door to a new species?
bron: House of the Mother’s Agenda
download volume 1 (engels, 540 pagina’s): PDF | EPUB | MOBI
“Moeder’s Agenda” 1958 – 1960tape opnames door Satprem |
Datum | Gespreksspeler | Afspeeltijd |
1958 |
1958 | 00:47 | |
30/05/58 | 01:14 | |
30/08/58 | 06:10 | |
16/09/58 | 15:20 | |
6/10/58 | 01:49 | |
10/10/58 | 06:35 | |
17/10/58 | 03:05 | |
25/10/58 | 02:24 | |
2/11/58 | 01:17 | |
4/11/58 | 31:21 | |
8/11/58 | 26:13 | |
11/11/58 | 10:25 | |
15/11/58 | 15:42 | |
22/11/58 | 35:30 | |
27/11/58 | 14:21 | |
1959 |
10/03/59 | 06:48 | |
11/03/59 | 01:15 | |
1960 |
16/05/60 | 12:29 | |
23/05/60 | 02:05 | |
7/06/60 | 22:34 | |
21/06/60 | 03:13 | |
10/08/60 | 15:46 | |
20/08/60 | 17:21 | |
27/08/60 | 05:38 | |
22/10/60 | 06:09 | |
30/10/60 | 36:13 | |
12/11/60 | 11:01 | |
31/12/60 | 12:10 | |