Diverse Artikelen: Scientific Reversal in the Offing? Is Falsehood Becoming Untenable? A Pragmatic view on the Evolution of Life: Trends, Paradigm Shifts or New Laws of Life? De Supramentale Manifestatie, het Supramentale Bewustzijn en de Supermind Living Outside or...
5. Process of Creation
From the criterion of practical utility, science excels in advancing technologies for medicine, computation, communication, military and countless other applications, but it has contributed relatively little of practical value to the fields of Life and Mind as defined...
4. Three Planes
Rational Validity At this point the most patient and open-minded of scientists may concede, as one distinguished physicist generously acknowledged, that Sri Aurobinodo's hypothesis possesses equal logic and internal consistency as the fundamental theories of...
3. Sri Aurobindo’s Hypothesis
According to Sri Aurobindo's hypothesis, an infinite, omnipresent, omniscient consciousness-force is the creator of the universe and all that is in it. The universe is not a creation by the creator of something outside and other than itself, but a progressive and...
2. Infinity as the Creator
According to current scientific thought, chance, necessity, and self-organizing systems acting independently, in combination or in synergy are the fundamental determinants of material existence, life and consciousness. Yet these God-like powers imply the existence of...
1. The Twin-Gods of Science
Akhbar the Great, the 16th Century Moghul emperor of India, had a wise minister named Birbal with whom he frequently conversed and sparred on matters of state. On one occasion Akhbar boasted with pride to his minister how all aspects of the Holy Koran are practiced by...