Best School
By Karmayogi
A school is rated by the results
it produces. The best results come more out of a paying school than a free
school. Exceptions are always there. It was a great moment in the educational
history of Tamilnadu when Kamaraj made education free upto SSLC. It is a truism
of life that nothing valuable can be given free. Service minded people whose
lifeblood is self-giving do not like to hear such truths. The truth behind is
subtle and spiritual. And yet all spiritual treasures are to be given free and not
to be charged. That is why, Sri Aurobindo says, every truth has its opposite
The cost of education continues to rise. Better results, best results usually
are found among schools when the fees are high. Academic results are the least
a school can produce. Character is the highest a school can give the pupil.
Without producing 100% academic results, a school cannot hope to give the
pupils anything higher, much less character. A good school teaches good
manners. Most of them teach good manners by punishment. What is learnt by
punishment is of no value and soon forgotten. Only what is learnt in freedom
lasts. No school attempts to give freedom. Freedom at once leads to
indiscipline. In the Guru-sishya tradition, the guru is not a loved member of his
community. Usually the guru is a nightmare. Sometimes he is a disciplinarian.
One can instruct the value of love. It is not easy to love.
Schools that have attained 100% pass sometimes attempt 100% first class. If
such schools come forward to examine their fundamental beliefs and are desirous
of exploring the basic spiritual values as a vehicle of higher and finer
education, Indiawill launch herself on the path of glory. It is rare to produce excellent
teachers, rarer to create an excellent administrator. Still, in many
institutions we find them. It is impossible to produce a fine human being in a
teacher. To raise one to the level of a fine administrator without losing his
fine human qualities is a sine qua non for such a goal. We see pockets of
prosperity in the country and parents are willing to pay high fees for good
education. And therefore such a possibility is there on the horizon. It is a
venturesome task few will be willing to undertake. Whatever they do or do not
do, they cannot hope for great success if they wish to imitate the West. It is
an area where the West should find inspiration from India.