Home Luister/Bekijk/Download [audio] Download/luister muziek van de Moeder
[audio] Download/luister muziek van de Moeder
mother on organ Hier vind u 38 muziekstukken gespeeld door de Moeder op haar orgel. Ze zijn gelinkt aan de site van de Sri Aurobindo Ashram.

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de Nieuwjaars muziek van Sunil met Moeder's stem.

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Savitri voorgelezen door de Moeder met de muziek van Sunil.


Titel Muziekspeler Afspeeltijd Grootte
16th May 1954
00:21:30 19.6 MB
29th February 1960
00:27:14 24.9 MB
New Year Music 1955
00:31:02 28.4 MB
12th March 1960 -- 'Joy'
00:08:15 7.5 MB
13th December 1953 -- 'Marching in the search of the soul'
00:13:47 12.6 MB
14th March 1954 -- 'Aspiration of the body for the Divine' Part I
00:17:05 15.6 MB
21st March 1954 -- 'Aspiration of the body for the Divine' Part II
00:15:39 14.3 MB
28th March 1954 -- 'Aspiration of the body for the Divine' Part III
00:21:34 19.7 MB
00:21:42 19.8 MB
31st January 1954 -- 'Let us try to collaborate'
00:16:05 14.7 MB
New Year Music 1956
00:25:50 23.6 MB
13th March 1961 -- 'Souvenir'
00:07:56 7.2 MB
New Year Music 1957
00:28:39 26.2 MB
New Year Music 1958
00:30:49 28.2 MB
16th May 1960
00:11:23 10.4 MB
Mystic Solitude
00:15:55 14.5 MB
Compassion of the Divine
00:21:10 19.3 MB
17th January 1954 -- 'Meditation of the Spiritual Warrior'
00:18:30 16.9 MB
14th February 1954 -- 'Concentration'
00:18:22 16.8 MB
13th November 1955
00:20:06 18.4 MB
20th June 1954 -- 'Construction of the Future'
00:17:34 15.3 MB
14th November 1954 -- 'Perseus'
00:14:11 12.9 MB
17th November 1954
00:12:37 11.5 MB
31st October 1954 -- 'Meditation to Merger'
00:15:37 14.2 MB
12th December 1954
00:11:21 10.3 MB
25th January 1963
00:12:17 11.2 MB
27th March 1960 -- 'Fairy Dance'
00:13:55 12.7 MB
25th April 1954 -- 'Promise of the 24th'
00:19:00 17.3 MB
13th March 1963
00:06:13 5.6 MB
7th February 1954
00:10:39 9.7 MB
19th October 1963
00:12:17 11.2 MB
25th April 1954
00:09:49 8.9 MB
10th January 1963
00:10:41 9.7 MB
30th January 1955
00:12:44 11.6 MB
30th June 1963
00:09:59 9.1 MB
19th April 1960
00:10:26 9.5 MB
Quiet Power
00:16:03 14.6 MB
23rd December 1961
00:13:48 12.6 MB
00:17:38 16.1 MB
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