Integration of TwoTheories An Interpretive Outline (Draft)

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Integration of Two Theories

An Interpretive Outline



Theory of The Evolution of Consciousness

Sri Aurobindo




Theory of Social Development



Table of Contents

The Origin and Nature of The Universe

The Nature and Action of Conscious Force

The Nature and Process of Evolution

The Nature Of Form

Foundations of Universe After The Creation of the Material Universe

The Emergence of Animate Form

The Birth of Animal Man

The Foundations of the Universe After Animate Life Emerged

The Awakening of the Human Animal

The Nature of Man

The Nature of Human Mind

Man's Relationship with Matter

The Evolution and Development of Human Society

The Nature and Role of Organization in Social Existence

The Future of Man

Miscellaneous Points


The Origin and Nature of The Universe

  1. The universe is the creative action of an infinite consciousness expressing itself as force and form.

  2. The original consciousness is infinitely free; therefore, its creative action in the universe expresses an infinite freedom in bringing forth an unlimited variety of forms and forces within the context of a creative and ordered deployment.

  3. The infinite freedom of the original consciousness releases a fundamental joy in every expression of its consciousness force.

  4. The universal act of creation begins in consciousness, moves to force and finally expresses in substance and form. All action within the universe follows the same process and sequence of expression.

  5. The universe is the action of an undivided consciousness-force that tries to knows itself objectively, through a creative action of temporary forms, which seek to express its true nature in the play of the universe.

  6. The universe, when known from the perspective of the original creative consciousness, is One Existence whose center of consciousness is undivided and distributed equally in all forms and forces.

  7. The universe is an ever-changing expression of a single consciousness force in energy and form, which is always the same in essence but is and never will be the same in expression at any moment in time or point in space.

  8. The evolutionary creative action we call the universe is the result of the play between the original super-consciousness beyond manifestation and its involved subliminal consciousness in manifestation.

  9. The universe is the externalization of an original creative consciousness and the infinite play of its determinants expressing in time and space.

  10. The universe is a living organism that exists in a state of continual creative self-destruction and reformulation as it seeks to develop structure, instrumentality, and process to express the full power of its original consciousness.

  11. The original creative consciousness extends itself from a poise of a featureless Self-Existence to a poise of creative objectification – the universe. The process of extension involves the transformation and transmutation of all that is consciousness into a self-unfolding creativity of form and force for the sheer joy of the play.
  12. The universe is a virtual reality of a Self-Existent Being, which expresses the infinite creative potentials of that Reality in temporary forms of itself for the joy of its own infinity.
  13. We are the thoughts and forms of God expressing themselves in the poetry of life.
  14. The universe is the thoughts and forms of God expressing themselves as an evolutionary creative dance across time and space.
  15. The universe is a time-space continuum in which the play of the determinants of the original creative consciousness and the resulting forces and forms are all in perpetual relationship with each other.
  16. Relationship is a fundamental property of the creative universe.
  17. All forces and forms in the universe are intricately connected and related with each other at the level of essence and expression in creation.
  18. The nature of relationship – proximity, influence, interaction and contact – expresses in forms and means appropriate to each plane of cosmic existence right from inconscient matter to the highest spiritual planes.
  19. In the plane of purely material forms and forces, the relationship between separate forms and forces refers to the proximity, influence, interaction and contact between them, which is determined by the extent and nature of the force in play, the mass of each form, and the relative distance between them.
  20. Everything in the material plane of existence is directly or indirectly related to everything else in the universe.
  21. Relativity only exists from the point of view of the creative action of the universe. It does not exist from the point of view of the original consciousness where everything remains one.
  22. One of the fundamental laws of the universe is sacrifice. All forms and forces that exist at any moment in time in the evolutionary process of creation have come into existence based on the sacrifice of earlier forms and forces that have given up their existence so current forms and forces could come into existence.
  23. All forms and forces in time and space sacrifice themselves for the greater process of evolution so more perfect forms and forces can emerge that are capable of expressing more of the infinity of the original creative consciousness.
  24. There is a principle of separation in the universe that holds all forms apart from each other while allowing them to interact so they can fulfill their individual and collective destiny.
  25. There is a principle of union in the universe that drives individual forms toward other forms in an effort to find unification at any or all of the four planes of existence.
  26. Consciousness force expresses in the creative evolution of the universe, as a continuous play of force and form, which leads to the creation of increasingly specialized forces and forms that are more capable of expressing the infinite power of the original consciousness.
  27. Time and space are dimensional extensions of the original creative consciousness that create a field of action in which the movement of energy creates the objectification of consciousness.
  28. Consciousness force expresses itself as movement in the dimension of time and space
  29. Consciousness force expresses itself as substance that creates separation and distance in the dimension of space and time.
  30. The determinants of universal force lie in the original creative consciousness.
  31. Force (energy) is an expression of the will of the original consciousness to create an objective universe.
  32. Force (energy) is the essential unit of creative action in the universe.
  33. Force exists prior to the emergence of form.
  34. Consciousness involved in force self-conceives the nature and capacity of forms that emerge and endows them with increasing capacity to express more of both consciousness and force.
  35. Consciousness force expresses in the universe as four qualities of force. The four expressions of force are spiritual, mental, life and matter.
  36. The four qualitative expressions of force have created four planes of existence in the universe. They are in descending order:

    1. Spiritual

    2. Mental

    3. Vital-Life

    4. Physical

  37. Each plane of existence has its truths, principles, and powers that express in the formulation of force and form and their interaction in each plane respectively.
  38. All forms are made up of each of these four expressions of force even though each quality of force may not actively express in the external characteristics of a form.
  39. The expression of the four qualities of force can be explicit, recessive or subtle depending on the configuration of consciousness, force and substance in each form.
  40. Both the active and recessive energy of every form influences its relationship with the rest of the universe.
  41. The material plane of existence is the outer expressive layer of the universe where consciousness and force combine to express first as substance then as outer material form.
  42. Life is a universal plane of existence whose force supports the creation, preservation and destruction of form.
  43. The mental plane of existence is a universal mode of awareness that perceives and knows Reality from the viewpoint of the parts (Form and Force) and not the whole (Unitary Consciousness).
  44. The spiritual plane of existence is a unitary Self Existent Consciousness, which exists beyond and in every point of time and space.
  45. The planes of spirit, mind, life and matter exist independently of the universe. Their forces and forms may express or may choose to withdraw from expression without affecting their fundamental existence.
  46. The universe viewed from the plane of material force and form is an ever-changing arrangement of force into an infinite variety of forms each of which expresses an aspect of the original featureless Self-Existent Reality. As physical existence evolves in time and space, physical forms and forces become more expressive of the infinite powers and principles of the Self-Existent Reality.
  47. The universe viewed from the plane of life is an ever-changing flow of energy that brings forth forces and forms in an endless play. In the course of time, the infinite energy of the original Self-Existent Reality brings forth increasing instrumentality in form to express more of its infinite power in the play of creation.
  48. The universe viewed from the plane of mental consciousness is an awareness of an infinite variety of forces and forms expressing themselves in a movement across time and space in an infinitely complex relationship that is in a constant state of change and reconfiguration, which makes the true nature of this movement unintelligible to mind. Mind with its partial awareness from the perspective of force and form glimpses but a small part of the relationship within this infinite flow of force and form, since it does not have the capacity to see beyond the parts to the whole.
  49. The universe viewed from the plane of spirit, is an endless expression of a unitary Self-Existent Reality in temporary demarcations of itself as force and form in the dimensions of time and space for the sheer joy of expressing its infinity in all dimensions and directions. This universe is the outer expression of a Self Existent Reality; therefore, it is a single existence whose consciousness and force is entirely present in each and every temporary demarcation throughout time and space.
  50. Action is force expressing itself through any and all planes of existence within and between forms.
  51. There is a fundamental imperative of action – energy in motion – in the creative universe.
  52. Action is force expressing itself in movement of form, which itself is an instrument or structure created by force through which it expresses itself.
  53. Force expresses its action in the universal creation as the play between positive, negative and neutral elements of force that result in its movement in time and space.
  54. The complementary play of opposing forces is one of the fundamental laws of an evolutionary creative universe. Without both sides of the play – the positive and the negative – the creative universe would cease to exist.
  55. The greater the difference between the play of opposing forces, the greater is the energy released into the play in order to discover a higher reconciliation between them.
  56. Behind the outer play of opposing forces there is a rule of harmony in action that seeks to reconcile the two opposing forces at a higher point of consciousness above the current play of opposition.
  57. All expressions of creativity in the universe outside of the original creative consciousness contain and express the character of the play of opposing elements resulting in action.
  58. In the original self-creative consciousness the play ceases, as polarity can not exist in a unitary consciousness outside of time and space. Consciousness simply Is.
  59. The play of consciousness, force and substance in the universe continually seeks to express the underlying principle of oneness and harmony, which is the nature of the original unitary consciousness behind creation.
  60. Action in the universe becomes conscious as it moves from the physical and life planes (physical impulse) to the mental plane (self-aware choice) or to the spiritual plane (self-conscious instinct).
  61. Universal energy that expresses itself in force and form is amoral. It creates, builds, sustains and destroys forms in an endless effort to develop more adaptive and complex forms capable of expressing more of its infinite potential in time and space.
  62. Consciousness creates direction in the evolutionary creative action and leads to the constant reconfiguration of energy into new forms that evolve along a continuum from simple to complex, material to spiritual, inanimate to animate, and limited to infinite.
  63. At each successive stage of evolution the inherent powers of the original consciousness that were involved in force and form emerge and express. This expression moves along a gradient from physical to spiritual, scarce or limited to infinite and comprehensive.
  64. The process through which the original consciousness brought forth the universe started in consciousness, descended into force and substance, and finally expressed in outer force and form. The reverse process, evolution, is progressively moving from matter to life, life to mind, and finally mind to spiritual consciousness.
  65. Evolution is a directional expression of force and form in time and space that leads to an increasing perfection of the universal creative action.
  66. As the universe evolves, it continues to expand and create more forms and forces from the infinite fund of energy contained within the subliminal consciousness in all things.
  67. Evolution is a process by which the universal energy develops and perfects higher levels of forms with increased instrumentality and capacity to receive, possess and express more of its potential consciousness and energy in form and action.
  68. The process of evolution is one of liberation. It is a return to the state of ultimate freedom of consciousness within form.
  69. The universe is constantly creating and destroying temporary forms of matter and through this process it reconfigures all of its fundamental energy into new more powerful forces and forms.
  70. The process of evolution is driven by the interaction of forms of force with other forms of force, which produces a gradual rearrangement of consciousness, energy and substance involved in each form into a newer more complex form with greater power of expression.
  71. The endless emergence of forms in time and space each more capable of greater levels of survival, growth, development and expressive power is one of the basic laws of evolutionary action in the universe.
  72. Evolution at the level of material force and form is guided by an involved consciousness that expresses in the universe as instinctive or subconscious patterns of action, which we call the Laws of Nature.
  73. The fundamental expression of the evolutionary process at the level of material form is the inconscient interaction of material forms and forces according to the laws of nature
  74. The fundamental expression of the evolutionary process in animate life is instinctive or subconscious action that proceeds according to the laws of nature.
  75. The fundamental expression of the evolutionary process in higher animal form is a combination of instinct and learned behavior based primarily in a physical and nervous consciousness.
  76. The fundamental expression of the evolutionary process in the human animal is learned behavior based on choice that is centered in various levels of self-aware mental consciousness or even the creative consciousness of higher mind.
  77. Evolution is not a level playing field. There is an infinite gradient between forms and within types of forms from least to most developed.
  78. Creative evolution expresses a clear hierarchy of life forms even though in essence they are one conscious force representing itself in action.
  79. Form is the objectification of force into fixed patterns of expression that is perceived by the senses as form.
  80. The essence of all form is consciousness force.
  81. The nature and structure of all forms pre-exists in consciousness and the force of Life, which brings forms into existence in the material universe.
  82. All forms even the most inert material objects are essentially consciousness, force, and substance expressing in a temporary combination as part of the act of self-conceptive creation in time and space.
  83. External variation in form and feature expresses the infinite potential for the combination of consciousness, force, and substance.
  84. Matter contains an almost infinite quantity of consciousness, energy and substance, which can be released and harnessed when the right conditions are created.
  85. The involved consciousness that leads to the creation of all distinct forms is at first encapsulated in the physical elements and their interactions at the atomic and subatomic level, which expresses in a play of opposing forces within the substance of the form.
  86. Physical form provides structure for the expression of consciousness, force and substance in creation.
  87. All elements of the material universe were once part of the original consciousness. When elements move from the plane of the original consciousness to the plane of universal creation they take on form, which contains the inherent power of the original consciousness.
  88. All forms contain within their substance all of the forms that will emerge out of them in the course of evolution in time and space because Life, which creates form, contains the essence of all forms within itself.
  89. Physical forms express an inherent organization of its essential elements, which produces recognizable structures and features.
  90. The principles of organization and order, which are evident throughout the entire physical universe, express the involved action of consciousness in the formulation of manifestation.
  91. Those forms or forces, which appear not to express organization and order, in fact, express a level of organization and order that has not yet become apparent to the observing consciousness.
  92. The physical universe extends infinitely across time and space to form a universal plane of existence.
  93. The formulation of the physical universe is based on the principles of design, quantity, and number.
  94. The outer expression and features of forms express the principles of quality and property.
  95. The outer shape and features of every form is directly affected by the circumstances and conditions of the environment in which a form comes into existence and by the on-going environment in which it continues to exist.
  96. Forms vary in size from the infinitesimal to the immense. In spite of the vast difference in size and quantity, all forms are made of the same essential consciousness force and thus in essence are the same.
      • Sub atomic particles
      • Mineral
      • Viruses
      • Single celled and primitive life forms
      • Bacteria
      • Plant
      • Animal
      • An infinitely expanding field of time and space.
      • An infinitely expanding field of force expressing as a variety of energies including gravity, centrifugal force, fission and a wide range of known and still unknown physical forces that animate the play of forms throughout the universe.
      • Nature endlessly putting forth an infinite number of inanimate and animate forms as part of its evolutionary action.
      • The basic atomic and subatomic forms of existence that make up all of the material and non-material elements of the universe.
      • The principles and action of association, interaction, exchange, combination, attraction, repulsion and other related principles that express the involved consciousness of the original creative Being. These principles acting in and on atomic and subatomic form bring about through their action the creation of physical forms in the universe — galaxies, solar systems, stars, planets and all that is the physical foundation of the universe.
      • An infinite variety of evolving environments, which are the result of the play of forces and forms, create conditions that permit a variety of forms to emerge as part of the overall creative action to develop conscious forms capable of embodying the conscious force of the original creative consciousness.
      • Four qualities of energy – spiritual, mental, vital and physical – that express within all forms in a movement to create conscious forms for the original featureless existence.
      • Four planes of existence – spiritual, mental, vital and physical.
      • The outer structure, character and features of a material existence. These provide a field of action for the original creative consciousness to express itself in an evolutionary action.
      • A material universe that appears to be an objective reality, which in its true nature is a process of infinite creative consciousness creating temporary forms, not a fixed field of forms and force. This dynamic and evolutionary field of change enables a continual re-configuration of consciousness, force and substance into higher forms capable of expressing the infinity of the original consciousness.
      • A material universe that has the potential to express a practical sense of infinity in forms and force based on the involved subliminal consciousness, which is an extension of the original creative consciousness.
      • The awakening of active life out of the materials of the physical universe.
      • The basic unit of animate life – a cell in which all of the rudimentary functions of life expressed themselves.
      • The organization of animate life into distinct phases. These phase are:
        • A mechanism to reproduce new forms so a species could continue on beyond the life cycle of an individual form.
        • The process of evolutionary selection that unconsciously moves animate life forms ahead in an upward directional expression that allows more consciousness, force and substance to express in each plane.
        • The principle that all living forms meet their basic survival needs by destroying and consuming other life forms of some type.
        • The emergence of flexible and changeable outer life forms that continuously adapt to an ever-changing environment.
        • The emergence of a range of animate life forms from the single celled organism to the higher forms of animals with an increasing sense of self-awareness.
        • The development of advanced animate forms with greater complexity, instrumentality and adaptability capable of higher levels of survival, growth and reproduction.
        • The formation of life and life cycles particular to each unique animate form.
        • The creation of basic needs within animate forms that required action in the environment to satisfy them.
        • Instinctive nature, life force and capacity within a form to meet its primary needs and more.
        • The development of a range of senses that helped each life form learn more about its environment so it could deal with it in a more effective manner for increased levels of survival and growth.
        • The emergence of sense knowledge and awareness.
        • The creation of a wide range of basic social groupings, structures and rules for interaction for each species that enabled each form in a group and the collective to survive the challenges of life in a more effective manner.
        • The creation of a basic and in some cases advanced communication capabilities within a species though specialized instrumentation and sense perception.
        • The principle of competition and cooperation between and among members of the social collective for basic survival needs.
        • The emergence of higher forms of action based on learned behavior, which freed certain species from the rigid and unconscious nature of instinctive behavior, allowed some species to choose more effective means of adaptation for survival, growth, reproduction and development.
        • The emergence of a collective consciousness that is passed down in the subtle elements of genetic structure.
        • The emergence of a primitive human animal form that lived in social groupings around the globe as primarily a sensory driven animal.
      • Physical-Body
      • Vital-Life
      • Mental-Mind
      • Spiritual-Spirit
      • Body – Physical Form
      • Life – Vitality – Will to Action and Emotions
      • Mind – Mental Consciousness
      • Spirit – Soul – Psychic Consciousness
      • Body – acts
      • Life – desires, wills and feels
      • Mind – knows and understands
      • Spirit – perceives the essential oneness of existence
      • Spiritual
      • Mental
      • Vital
      • Physical
      • Spirit
      • Mind
      • Vital
      • Physical
    1. It can express itself as occupation in all or some of the 15 relationships without seeking to achieve anything except to expend and release the energy as it creates a pressure on the physical form and nerves that seeks relief.
    2. It can express itself in a positive direction in some or all of the 15 basic relationships as a concerted effort to improve or develop the power and skill of action in order to achieve increased levels of survival, growth, or development.
    3. It can express itself in a negative direction in some or all of the relationships in acts that diminish or destroy to the power and skills of action in each areas thus reducing or even threatening the ability of the form to survive and grow.
      • Memory
      • Concentration
      • Recall
      • Analysis
      • Ideation
      • Association
      • Discernment
      • Judgment
      • Comprehension
      • Reason

      • Physical
      • Vital
      • Mental
      • Spiritual

      • Physical – land, people, resources, infrastructure, border and boundaries,
      • Vital – Energy, excitement, common language, common cultural values, national attitude towards work and success, common exchange, extensive communication,
      • Mental – Ideals and principles of the society, values the society cherishes, organization of all life activities,
      • Spiritual values – Beliefs of the population,

      • Religion
      • Social leadership
      • Communication
      • Travel
      • Exchange
      • Transportation
      • Entertainment
      • Food Production
      • Tool making
      • Defense
      • Building
      • Family
      • Healing/Medicine

      • A process of introduction, verification, and approval of new organizations.
      • A process of horizontal expansion of organizations across society.

      • A process of decay and destruction of organizations to eliminate the rigid and unproductive vestiges of outdated organizations.
      • A process of integration of organizations involving both horizontal and vertical expansions within and across societies.
      • A process of vertical development of organizations from the physical to the spiritual plane of society that change the fundamental structure and operation of society and lead to reform of many of the earlier organization to reflect the new vertical shift.

      • The overall character of the society. – Physical, vital, mental, spiritual.
        1. The strength and development of its different levels-. – Physical, vital, mental, spiritual.

        2. The clarity of direction within the society.

        3. The overall aspiration and energy of the society.

        4. The number of existing organizations and their level of development and integration.

        5. The effectiveness of existing organizations within the society.

        6. The internal harmony and social cohesion of the society.

        7. The assimilation of organizations into the fabric of the society.

        8. The general level of skills within the society to operate its organizations effectively.

      • The form, its structure, all of its components and processes are well-developed and in balance with each other.
      • There is an abundance of energy throughout the organization that is focused on optimizing the performance of the organization.
      • When the social organization has extended itself horizontally and vertically across the society and integrated itself with as many key organizations that make up the life energy of the society.
      • The excess energy has risen to a point that is transforms the function of certain components and processes so they become continuous generators of new capacity and energy that permits the self multiplication of results.

      • Original Ignorance – Ignorance of the spaceless, timeless immobile and immutable Self
      • Cosmic Ignorance – Ignorance of the universal self, cosmic existence, and our infinite unity with all beings and becomings.
      • Egotistic Ignorance – Ignorance that accepts our limited egoistic mentality, vitality, corporality for our true self.
      • Temporal Ignorance – Ignorance that accepts man's little life in a small span of time for our beginning, middle and our end.
      • Psychological Ignorance – Ignorance that refuses to see our large and complex being which is superconscient, subconscient, intraconscient, circumscient to our surface becoming. In this ignorance a small selection of overtly mentalized experiences is taken for our whole existence.
      • Constitutional Ignorance – Ignorance that looses sight of what constitutes our nature. The lack of knowledge of that which determines us through its occult presence.
      • Practical Ignorance – Ignorance that is unaware of our true thought, will, sensations, actions, and therefore causes man to wander in a world of errors, desires, strivings, failures, pain and pleasure.
    4. The universe is a multi-dimensional self-creative environment in time and space created and energized by an infinite consciousness force that brings forth an endless stream of Self -Conceived forms and forces that express through the elements and energies of each of the four planes of existence – Spirit, Mind, Life and Matter – as an evolutionary creative action that in the course of time transforms all of the elements and energies in each plane into a joyous Self-Conscious manifestation of the original consciousness.


        The Nature and Action of Conscious Force

    5. The subliminal consciousness involved in all force and form is concentrated on becoming that which the original creative consciousness conceived prior to putting forth its universal creative action.

    6. All existence is made up of the action of consciousness force that is concentrated on becoming that which is subliminally conscious within itself.

    7. The Nature and Process of Evolution

      The Nature Of Form

    8. 10 Forms vary in quality from the crudest to the most sophisticated. Despite the outer appearance of qualitative differences, each form is made of the same consciousness force and thus in essence is the same.
    9. All forms that manifest in the universe gradually become rigid and inflexible and thus loose touch with the consciousness force that brought them into existence. If a form does not cease to exist on its own, Life releases forces that break the original formation so new forms with greater power can come into existence to replace the original form.
    10. The perception of beauty in form is the sense awareness of the inner harmony amongst the essential elements of consciousness, force and substance within the form.
    11. All composite forms that are made up of smaller sub-atomic forms, or a mixture of different types of forms, express the principles of aggregation, attraction/repulsion, union, and cooperation.
    12. The external expression of the principles of aggregation, attraction/repulsion, union, and cooperation result in the formation of strong bonds that hold a form together in a state that supports its persistence as a form.
    13. The breakdown or discontinuance of any or all of the principles of aggregation, attraction/repulsion, union and cooperation can lead to the dissolution or destruction of a form.
    14. In some forms the breaking or reversal of the principles of aggregation, attraction/repulsion, union and cooperation can cause the release of a significant amount of energy that exists within the bonds that hold the form together.
    15. The ultimate expressive power and capacity of a form in time and space cannot be determined by its current mode of expression. In the course of its interaction with other forms of force, new combinations of its essential components may arise to significantly change its inner and outer nature, character and power of action.
    16. Matter is the basic form of the material universe that consciousness and force create to express themselves through as part of the creative action.
    17. Matter appears to human senses to be inanimate and inconscient, but it is neither, as it is consciousness force expressing itself in a conceived order and action of physical components. It is inanimate and inconscient only from the perspective of its outer form and features.
    18. Matter is not an object of fixed character; rather, it is a process of consciousness force taking on a temporary form that changes as it interacts with other forms of force in time and space.
    19. Physical forms express all four qualities of energy in the universe and therefore there are four types of physical forms:
    20. Solid form – physical

      Liquid form – vital

      Gas – mental

      Sub atomic and subtle form – spiritual

    21. There are various types of material forms – inanimate and animate
    22. Material forms (resources) appear limited within a given environment. But since each material form is an expression of an infinite consciousness, it has within it infinite potential, if understood and related to from a state of consciousness that is not bound by the outer appearance of limitation.
    23. At the physical plane of existence, evolution of form and force proceeds slowly since these forms and forces are fixed patterns of energy acting according to the Laws of Nature where consciousness is so involved it takes extended periods of interaction and contact between them to release and reshape the inherent consciousness, energy and substance into higher forms of life.
    24. The nature of physical forms and forces are so rigid or fixed that the nature of the interaction required to release its consciousness, energy and substance is prolonged, enduring and in many cases violent and destructive.
    25. Survival at the level of physical form and force is based on the presence of sufficient physical mass, power, and force to survive the nature of impacts and interactions with other forms and forces.
    26. All physical forms respond or react to the nature and manner of interaction with other physical and non-physical forms and forces in the environment.
    27. Contact is the language for physical forms.
    28. Specific physical forms both inanimate and animate tend to exist as groups within close proximity of others of the same or similar nature.
    29. As evolution advances from purely physical forms to animate physical forms, the nature of the form becomes more subtle, flexible, and adaptable to change of conditions in the environment.
    30. When evolution advances from the mental plane of existence to the spiritual plane, forms become less material, and more ethereal, universal, and powerful, as consciousness expresses directly with less need for instrumentality.
    31. Foundations of Universe After The Creation of the Material Universe

    32. The act of creation that began in consciousness beyond manifestation reached its fullest expression in objectification as uniqueness in inconscient matter. At that point, the universe had completed one part of its creative action, a descent of an infinite consciousness into matter.
    33. Once the infinite consciousness, which willed the universal creation, completed its descent from featureless existence to complete involvement in material substance and form – objectification – it began the next part of its creative action, which was to consciously express in time the infinity of its consciousness in and through the material forms of the universe.
    34. Once the decent was completed the following foundations had been established in the universe:
    35. The Emergence of Animate Form

    36. The interaction of material forms and forces with each other over eons led to the emergence of animate life forms that are capable of expressing an active life force and consciousness that were earlier unexpressed in matter.
    37. The play between Matter and Life, whose nature's are so dramatically different from one another, has released an immense universal energy and an arduous but continuing effort within Nature to reconcile these two very different forces and their forms in a physical form that is capable of expressing Life's infinite powers.
    38. All elements found in animate life forms were once elements of previous existing physical forms that have been destroyed through their interaction and contact with other forms, thus permitting a reformulation of their elements into a higher structure and functioning that permits the inherent consciousness, force and substance to express more of its power.
    39. Animate forms like all other forms are made up of consciousness, energy and substance in a combination that expresses animate life.
    40. As evolution moves from material to animate forms, the nature of forms becomes more complex, differentiated, and specialized in terms of function and instrumentality, which is necessary to support life and its processes.
    41. The nature and capacity of matter has changed throughout evolution, as it has become more capable of expressing life, action, and consciousness.
    42. As evolution continues, the increased interaction of all types of material and life forms and forces facilitates an increased expression of greater power and capacities that are less material, more subtle, and universal in character.
    43. Animate forms all possess a material body that serves as the physical foundation through which consciousness and higher life energy expresses as animation.
    44. Animate forms are an assembly of physical elements that possess an organization, structure and certain definable processes that are associated with living forms such as birth, reproduction, respiration, oxidation, digestion, growth, maturity and death.
    45. Animate forms come into existence, grow, struggle to survive, reproduce, age and cease to exist as living forms when the processes characteristic of life cease to operate. Then the form decays and returns to its original elements.
    46. Animate forms each have a distinct life cycle from conception and birth through death and decay.
    47. Animate life forms express an active process of change in characteristics and features of their outer form throughout their life cycle.
    48. Death of a form viewed from the perspective of the Eternal One is the dissolution of one of its temporary forms created by its consciousness for the play of creation and its return to the state of original oneness.
    49. Death is the dissolution of the outer form, structure, and instrumentality, which releases consciousness force associated with the form back to its original creative state so it can reformulate itself into a new form that will be more conscious than its earlier embodiment.
    50. The emergence of the living cell as the basic unit of animate forms expresses the action of an infinitely creative and self-conceptive consciousness in the plane of Life to create new forms with enhanced capability that express more consciousness, force and substance.
    51. All physical forms in the universe are the result of the force of Matter. The living form-cell-is the next step in evolution that has been created by the combined action of the forces of Matter and Life.
    52. The emergence of the living cell was a significant transition in the evolutionary process that allowed a wider range of consciousness, force and substance to express in the material universe.
    53. In animate physical forms the encoded knowledge of instinctive action – the Laws of Nature – which originally were part of the structure of all basic elements, gradually become encapsulated in the structure of genetic code in each living form. – Force of consciousness creating form of expression.
    54. As the encoded knowledge in genetic material is made up of consciousness, energy and substance, like all other forms, it is capable of absorbing and carrying knowledge gained from the impact it has received from all levels of life including material, subtle, and consciousness.
    55. The encounters, experiences and impacts each form has had with other objects influences and alters the subtle and physical genetic material of the form, which is passed on through reproduction as new encoded knowledge (mutation) in subsequent forms.
    56. In the process of evolution the individual form is not as important as the survival of the species and its collective DNA.
    57. Animate forms come into existence through a reproductive process, which creates new forms from existing ones. New forms are made up of the essential genetic materials of the original form or forms.
    58. In primitive life forms, a single form divides and becomes two identical forms.
    59. The process of growth, reproduction and development of an animate form is driven by the accumulation of excess energy within the form. This energy supports the emergence of expanded capacities and processes in the existing form, which creates an ability to reproduce new forms of itself.
    60. The evolutionary change in the nature, outer features and characteristics of a form is partially the result of the outer interaction of two forms or a single form with itself in a reproductive process.
    61. The evolutionary change in the nature, outer features and characteristics of a form is, primarily driven from within, as all acts begin in consciousness and move outwards toward expression in force and form. Reproduction is an occasion for consciousness, force, and substance to reorganize themselves in new combinations that allow greater potentials to express in the inner and outer nature as improved capacity, instrumentality and adaptability. Consciousness within the form uses reproduction and genetic instrumentality to accomplish the desired result.
    62. The chance for change or variation in primitive life forms is limited to the contact of form with other form or direct mutations of genetic material in the process of self-replication.
    63. The first genetic mutation was the birth of an unconscious agent of change, which sought to establish a new subconscious organization within a species of animate forms to improve its chances of survival.
    64. In primitive life forms, newly created forms exist as self-sufficient forms capable of survival, growth, reproduction and death without the need of nurturing.
    65. In primitive and higher animate forms the chances for survival within a species and among species is based on the size, strength, speed and the overall prowess of the form in relation to other species in the environment.
    66. In both primitive and higher animate forms and the collectives they create, the ability to defend and protect an individual form or a group of forms from attack and destruction from others of the same species or of a more powerful species is one of the basic requirements of survival.
    67. In a majority of primitive animate species there is a tendency to form groups or colonies of like creatures even though there may be little social connection or interaction other than physical contact.
    68. Animal forms possess instinctive behavior that drives them to meet their basic needs of survival, which include, respiration, digestion, elimination, sleep, etc.
    69. Animate life forms survive by gathering and ingesting existing nutrients in the surrounding environment or by seeking out and consuming other animate forms, which are a source of material sustenance.
    70. Primitive animate forms, like inanimate material forms, communicate through physical contact with other forms of the same species.
    71. Animate forms express varying degrees of life force and energy.
    72. Animate forms are driven, by their active life force, to engage in a dynamic relationship with their immediate environment and other forms within that sphere as part of the effort to survive and grow.
    73. With the emergence of animate forms, the speed of evolution increased as dynamic life energy created more interaction and contact between a form, its environment and other forms, which led to increased levels of awareness and change. The increased speed and intensity of contacts and the resulting increase in consciousness supported a faster reformulation of form with increased capacity to express greater consciousness, force and substance.
    74. A significant part of the dynamic relationship a life form has with its environment is in seeking more knowledge about its nature and conditions so the form can achieve greater levels of survival within that environment.
    75. In many higher order animate forms there is a marked tendency to form groups or colonies of like creatures with appropriate forms of social structure, communication, and integration. The phenomenon of social grouping is an expression at the life plane of the principle of aggregation, attraction/repulsion, competition, cooperation and others that expressed earlier in material forms.
    76. In many advanced life forms two forms of the same species join and share genetic material, which results in the reproduction of a unique form with the general characteristics of the two forms.
    77. The chance for change or variation in more advanced life forms requiring mating is possible based on direct mutations of genetic material in the process of reproduction and the countless potential for combination of genetic materials from each mate.
    78. The individual animate form is a focal point for the development of improved survival capacities, which are later passed on to the collective for the overall survival of the species if they prove successful.
    79. Biological and behavioral changes in animate life forms begin in a single individual or a fringe grouping within a species and later express across the species, if the new capacities result in a significant improvement in its overall ability to survive and grow.
    80. Successful behavioral change in animate forms is gradually adopted in the collective until it reaches a certain point of saturation. Then, it is adopted across the remaining part of the collective in a rapid or almost immediate manner.
    81. The process of evolution develops new capacities and powers in animate forms. As evolution continues forward past achievements are assimilated into the process of advancement through the outer action of genetic structure and the subtle actions of consciousness, force and substance.
    82. In the earliest animate forms, rudimentary awareness appears as a physical-nervous response to external contact with other forms.
    83. In the course of evolution, an increasing number of sense organs and a corresponding nervous system emerged to support the effort of the form to know and respond more effectively to its environment as a part of its effort to survive and grow.
    84. Gradually over millennia the continued contact between forms led to the development of special senses, a nervous system and organs capable of receiving and processing information from the external environment. This led to the emergence of increased awareness and cognition.
    85. The environment is made up of many forms and forces that are imperceptible to the senses, which are in relation to and impact the life of other forms around them even though they are not perceived through the senses.
    86. Senses in all animate forms have a range of perception that limits their ability to know the entire nature of an object or the full spectrum of its environment.
    87. Senses are capable of creating their own misperceptions based on their physical structure, range of operation, conditions of functioning, and the nervous or psychological state of the perceiver.
    88. Sense knowledge is a perception built on the intermediary action of sense organs and the nervous system. It does not provide direct knowledge of an object.
    89. The brain is a special organ that evolved over time in many species to process and organize sense data related to contact with the environment.
    90. The brain is the center of sensational consciousness.
    91. The brain is also becoming the center of mental consciousness in more advanced animate forms.
    92. Consciousness has its origins in the body, where sensation rises to the brain for processing and organization into cognition.
    93. Primitive life forms developed means for basic communication though contact or instruments and media that are appropriate to their nature and habitat.
    94. Over millennia, a number of higher animate life forms have developed a capacity to produce emotive sounds related to basic behaviors such as fear, hunger, sex etc that can be processed by evolving senses into forms of communications.
    95. In higher animate forms, where learned behavior has replaced instinctive behavior, the young require extended periods of nurture and training before they are capable of survival as individuals in a community of similar species.
    96. In higher animate forms very little behavior is truly instinctive except those behaviors related to the fulfillment of basic needs. The parents, normally the female, teach most other behavior to the young.
    97. Higher animate forms-mammals-(apes and chimpanzees) have developed the mental capacity to create and manipulate tools as a means to increase the efficiency of their survival activity. This early expression of technology is the capacity of mind to perceive the principles of action and to create and adapt physical instruments and forces in the environment to achieve more results with less effort in a given activity of survival and growth.
    98. A process of selection supports the evolutionary advancement of all species of animate forms. The selection process favors those forms within a species that have an overall greater capacity of survival, growth and development compared to others with less developed capacities.
    99. The selective process is unconscious and amoral. It favors those forms that accomplish the goal of increased survivability in a given environment over others, as it seeks to create a more sustainable form for consciousness and energy to express thorough.
    100. Higher animate forms also use gesturing and vocal utterances to communicate within the community and to the young.
    101. Higher animate forms are generally social creatures that live in small collectives, which work together in an integrated fashion to meet the survival needs of the individual and the collective.
    102. Communities of higher animate forms exhibit well-defined social structure, behavior, and organization around the direction of a communal leader.
    103. The social existence of most animate forms is based on the play of two opposing forces, competition and cooperation.
    104. An unbalanced expression of competition with the social grouping can result in its decline or destruction.
    105. As social complexity increases the demand for greater cooperation is essential for the survival of the social grouping.
    106. Higher animate forms also demonstrate the capacity to make war on other groupings of their own kind both as a defensive as well as an offensive action of territoriality or survival depending on the conditions within the overall environment.
    107. All primitive and most advanced animate forms are amoral. Their actions represent instinctive or subconscious force expressing as action aimed at survival, growth and development within the context of an environment. Survival and preservation of the species is the primary goal of the collective. Individual action within the collective has value only in regards to this goal.
    108. The life of an animate form is unconscious when its action arises from those parts of its nature that are instinctive or subconscious in character.- Matter, Life
    109. When the center of action rises from the plane of matter and life to mind, animate forms acquire the capacity for increasing levels of consciousness and the ability to make choices about the type and nature of action they initiate.
    110. When higher animate forms develop advanced levels of consciousness with the powers of judgment, discernment analysis, etc, it enters a phase of existence when it becomes a moral creature with the capacity to choose between actions to which the mind assigns values of right and wrong.
    111. Animate forms both primitive and advanced grow and develop to their full capacity when they have abundant energy that is directed at meeting their primary and wherever possible higher needs.
    112. Animate forms both primitive and advanced grow and develop to their full capacity when the life energy of the form is directed by instinctive or mental consciousness. Direction, both instinctive or conscious, allows the species to utilize its energy to its maximum so the species can survive, grow, reproduce and develop to higher levels.
    113. Animate forms both primitive and advanced grow and develop to their full capacity when the species has developed a full range of biological and other organizations, systems and processes that all work in a coordinated harmony to express energy effectively throughout the entire form and its instruments. In primitive forms, organizations and systems tend to be biological and instinctive. In more advanced animate forms, additional systems emerge that become more mental and psychological. When these other systems become more conscious, choice becomes a significant element in the process of survival, growth and development.
    114. Animate forms both primitive and advanced grow and develop to their full capacity when the powerful forces of their emotional nature are fully engaged in all essential actions.
    115. Animate forms both primitive and advanced grow and develop to their full capacity when they have developed high levels of skilled action for the full range of their survival and growth activities.
    116. The Birth of Animal Man

    117. The interaction of material forms and force with animate life forms and animate forms of force with other animate forms of force led to the emergence of the human animal, which is made up of an advanced material form, life force, mental consciousness and spiritual awareness. Man is driven by a limited range of instinctual behavior. The predominant center of human action is learned behavior influenced by the pressures and needs of its physical, vital and mental nature.
    118. The human animal, like all early forms of force in the universe, is made up of consciousness, energy, substance and form.
    119. As the evolution of animate forms progressed to human animal forms, animate from developed an increased capacity to express greater life energy, emotions, drives, and mental and spiritual awareness.
    120. Through a gradual evolutionary progress, the human animal form developed certain important biological systems including bipedal locomotion and an adaptive digestive process that permitted the human animal form to extend its environment to all corners of the earth.
    121. Early man was more physical and animal like so the majority of the energy he expended in survival activities was physical and vital in nature.
    122. The primary drive of the human animal form is survival, growth, and reproduction.
    123. Early man was a hunter-gatherer like earlier animate forms at lower levels of evolution, which gathered nutrients from the immediate environment or sought out and consumed other animate forms for food.
    124. Early human life was nomadic, as man followed the migratory patterns of his primary food source and the seasonal availability of fruits berries, etc.
    125. Man is a human animal that lives a social collective existence, a characteristic he inherits and shares with many animal life forms that evolved earlier in the sequence of evolution.
    126. Man's social nature appears to have its origins in its reproductive process, which involves the formation of social pairings and their subsequent effort to reproduce and nurture offspring. – Family, the basic social unit.
    127. Early man like his predecessors used guttural sounds related to primary biological needs to communicate with others of his kind as part of the collective action of survival, growth and development.
    128. Early man lacked the sense of self that modern man has developed. As a result he lived and survived in his environment without the sense of possessiveness, ownership, property, and other qualities associated with modern man, who has an enhanced sense of self-awareness and individuality.
    129. The life of early animal man was at the level of basic survival. Man eked out a short and meager life in a threatening and challenging environment.
    130. Early man lacked the higher capacities of mental awareness. He lived on survival instincts and primitive learned behavior; therefore, he was amoral like his earlier animal ancestors.
    131. Early man was an object in his environment subject to constant action of forces that were almost entirely beyond his control.
    132. In early human groupings their chances for survival were based on the size, strength, speed and the overall capacity of the group to protect itself in relation to other species in the environment.
    133. The Foundations of the Universe After Animate Life Emerged

    134. In the upward spiral of evolution, the creation of animate forms endowed with more expressive energy was the next stage in building a more conscious form that would be capable of housing the original creative consciousness. In this phase of evolution the following foundations were created:
    135. i. Birth, nurturing, education, training.

      ii. Self-survival based on instinctive and learned behavior.

      iii. Self-multiplication based on excess energy and enhanced capacity to reproduce.

      iv. Dissolution based on the reversal of life force from its mode of expression in the particular to the universal.

      The Awakening of the Human Animal

    136. The human animal is 95% genetically the same as some earlier higher primate forms. A small change in the physical organization of the species – genetic structure – provided a foundation for the emergence of new instruments and functions that supported an increased expressive power for the forces of life and mind. Change in man's physical organization gave rise to a more conscious species capable of far higher levels of survival, growth and in the right conditions development than had been possible thus far in animate forms.
    137. Over eons, the human animal developed larger and more complex organs and instruments-brain, voice box, larynx that supported an evolutionary transition to a more self-conscious form capable of greater sensation, perception, assimilation, thought, communication and self direction.
    138. Gradually human mental consciousness expanded with the emergence of higher associative capacities that allowed the human form to create and use symbols and to relate them to sounds its body could produce.
    139. Symbolic language emerged when the human animal form acquired increased associative capacity and the ability for independent cognition. Language was the first mental organization that distinguished man from the rest of the animal kingdom.
    140. Language was at first very limited and directly associated with man's physical experience in his environment. In time as man's nature rose from its physical roots to its higher planes of nature, language continued to evolve and develop, reflecting the increased range of human consciousness.
    141. Gradually language, like all other mental organizations, related itself to every aspect of life in each plane of existence as power of consciousness, new thoughts, words and expressions. As the organization of language extended itself outwards both horizontally and vertically into the universe, its power to know, think, and eventually control everything in each plane it related to, increased dramatically.
    142. The emergence of mental organization of sensation into perception of patterns and rules related to the operation of forces and forms in the environment and the ability of an increasingly self-conscious form to set and choose a course of action based on that awareness, signaled the emergence of a new species capable of a new creative relationship with its environment that would produce higher levels of survival, growth and development.
    143. The extension of mind's perception to control and manage life's drive to act and the physical's urge to survive, led to a new organization of human consciousness in which mind led, vital endorsed and body fulfilled. As man has learned to organizes his action more and more along these lines, human action has become more effective and produced greater results.
    144. Man distinguished himself from his animal ancestry when he shifted to a new organization of life where mind, the most conscious part of his nature, sets the direction, organization and process for the expression of his emotive energy in bodily action. Man thus becomes a conscious animate form capable of knowing, organizing and controlling all levels of existence through his mind and its organization.

      The Nature of Man

    146. An individual human animal is a form that receives, processes and expresses universal consciousness and energy subconsciously and consciously in actions through all four planes of its nature – physical vital, mental and spiritual – and their instruments and capacities.
    147. All human action is driven by a single energy, which expresses differently at each level of human nature.
    148. The four essential planes of human nature in ascending order are:
    149. The character of human physical nature is inconscient as involved consciousness acts from behind and indirectly though the form and structure of the material body.
    150. Physical nature is unexpressive, as its form, structure, and instrumentality do not permit the active expression of life energy.
    151. Physical nature when animated by life moves into action.
    152. The character of human vital nature is unconscious, impulsive, and intense, as consciousness in this plane acts subconsciously through a physical form, which itself is inconscient. Vital nature permits an unhindered expression of life force through the instrumentality of the bodily form; therefore, it quickly exhausts itself in an intense burst of expression.
    153. Vital nature is characterized by excitement, enthusiasm, passion and inconsistency as its energy bursts forth and dissipates quickly.
    154. Vital nature is characterized by repetition, since its energy is locked in repeating patterns governed by the laws of nature.
    155. The character of human mental nature is that of increasing but partial awareness determined by its effort to know the universe through the senses from the standpoint of a unique form.
    156. Mental nature is characterized by partial and limited knowledge incapable of seeing all points of view at one time.
    157. Mental nature is characterized by sensational ignorance that arises from minds connection to the body and its senses.
    158. Mental nature is characterized as opinionated and preferential due to the impact of vital emotions from the lower nature that tend to distort or alter mind's perception of reality.
    159. Mental nature is also characterized by an increasing ability to detach itself from sensational and emotional distortions. This capacity permits more rational and objective observation and understanding.
    160. The character of the human spiritual nature is that of the original creative consciousness, which is a unitary Self-Existent Reality.
    161. Spiritual existence is characterized by integral light and knowledge.
    162. Spiritual existence is characterized by the eternal harmony of an infinite consciousness.
    163. Spiritual existence is characterized by an unearthly bliss of a Self-Existent Reality.
    164. The essential instruments of the four elements of human nature are:
    165. The four levels of human nature are essentially different and independent layers of personality.
    166. The relationship and interaction between the four levels of human nature is complex.
    167. In certain conditions the four elements can work in an integrated and coordinated fashion to receive, process and express energy.
    168. In other conditions the four elements can act in an independent and contradictory fashion as they receives, processes and expresses energy.
    169. In other conditions some elements of the nature act in cooperation with another, while other parts act in conflict or opposite directions.
    170. Each of the four planes of human nature is connected to the others in an ascending and overlapping manner. This connection results in human action that expresses multiple levels of human nature simultaneously.
    171. Each plane of human nature also contains some of the characteristics of the other planes. This arrangement permits a mix of elements from each level of human nature to express in all action. Normal action has the character of the plane through with the action is initiated.
    172. The internal reality of human nature is complex and multi-dimensional. Human behavior is the expression of this complex and intricate association of diverse parts of human nature: therefore, the study of human behavior is an involved subject requiring knowledge about the nature and character and interactions of all levels of human nature.
    173. At each level of his inner nature man awakens to the universe around him and is driven from within by the nature and character of the needs of each part of his nature to survival, grow, reproduce and develop within the circumstances of his environment.
    174. The essential actions of these four elements of human nature are as follows:
    175. Each of the four levels of human nature have an active and characteristic relationship with its environment which is channeled respectively through the organs, instruments and capacity of that plane independently and/or in combination with other planes, their instruments, and capacities.
    176. The spiritual nature of man seeks to relate to, know and unite with the unitary consciousness in the universe through the psychic nature of the human form.
    177. The spiritual nature of man creates an active relationship with the universe in an effort to discover its true nature. This relationship expresses as a series of beliefs and practices that seek to awaken man's deepest spiritual consciousness – to establish a in communion with an unknown or unknowable.
    178. The mental nature of man seeks to relate to, know, and understand the nature of the universe though mind and the senses and their limited perception from the perspective of the parts – not the whole.
    179. The mental nature of man creates an active relationship of observation, enquiry, and discovery of the truths of reality through sense knowledge gained through experience, thought and reason. This relationship expresses as a drive for knowledge and understanding of the universe and a related drive to share that knowledge with others in the wider collective.
    180. The vital nature of man seeks to relate to and know the universe though action and its nervous or emotional responses to its encounters with other forces and forms in its environment.
    181. The vital nature of man creates an active relationship of engaging with and connecting to other forces and forms in its environment through action and intense feeling. This relationship expresses as a drive for action and emotional connection with other forces and forms in the environment.
    182. The physical nature of man seeks to relate to and know the universe though its contact with reality through the body and its senses.
    183. The physical nature of man creates a direct physical relationship of contact with its environment. This relationship expresses as the movement of the form in action that causes contact with other forms and the action of the senses to feel and experience the nature of the contact.
    184. An increasingly aware human animal form awakens at birth to a variety of inner conditions in each level of its nature that expresses as a complex assortment of needs seeking fulfillment.
    185. Human life is the effort of each life form to meet these needs in its own unique fashion through the exercise of its will to action that seeks to create conditions in its outer life that fulfill its inner need.
    186. The needs of each of the four levels of human nature are as follows:
    187. To know and unite with the unitary consciousness

      To know, to discover and understand the nature of the universe in which it finds itself

      Desire to feel

      Desire to do or act

      Desire to relate to the world around it

      Desire to engage with others

      Desire to survive

      Desire for physical contact and connection

    188. The four levels of human nature and the character of its relationship to the universe in meeting its needs result in 15 basic relationships between man and his universe. These relationships are as follows:
    189. i. Belief

      i. Knowledge

      ii. Education

      i. Social Existence

      ii. Communication

      iii. Movement–Travel

      iv. Exchange

      v. Transportation

      vi. Entertainment

      i. Food Production

      ii. Tool making and processes to make tools and other resources

      iii. Defense

      iv. Building

      v. Family

      vi. Healing/Medicine

    190. The act of fulfilling needs implies the following relationship between the individual and his universe. An inner subjective feeling of insufficiency and need, which normally expresses as a negative or unfulfilled psychological condition, seeks a relationship with the outer objective world in an effort to find or create outer conditions that fulfill the “negative” feeling through a series of actions that produces a new inner condition of satisfaction or fulfillment.
    191. Human life is a continual play between the inner psychological condition of the human animal and its external environment to create conditions that meet or exceed the needs of its inner consciousness.
    192. There is a distinct hierarchy of needs that starts at the physical, rises to the vital, climbs to the mental and finally ascends to the spiritual.
    193. In the course of human evolution the survival, growth, and development of the human animal form begins with the fulfillment of its basic physical needs and rises to the higher levels of its nature.
    194. Without fulfillment of physical needs like food, shelter, safety and protection, the higher elements of human nature do not express or express in a severely truncated fashion.
    195. All animate forms act first to meet their primary physical needs. This expresses as the seeking for and acquisition of certain physical objects in the external environment such as food, shelter and clothing that address these needs.
    196. When the physical needs are met, vital energies awaken and express as intense energy, enthusiasm and drive. But at first they retain their physical character, as this intense energy is associated with greater accumulation of more physical objects to meet physical needs. Later there is a shift away from the physical to the seeking of intense vital stimulation for its own sake, even at the cost of the physical. Finally, the vital intensity rises to the psychological level where it seeks social prestige and all of its related intensities.
    197. When the physical and vital needs are met, their excess energy expresses in the mind as an awakening or a seeking to discover knowledge and attain understanding, which in its nature is less material and subtler. But even in the first stage of its expression, the effort of understanding is related to the material universe and its physical nature and operation. Only later, as mind awakens to its higher dimensions, does it seek its fulfillment in pure ideas and thoughts.
    198. As the ascent to higher realms of mind continues there is an on-going shift to pure ideas and concepts, which are less material in nature. As ideas and concepts become more important, human existence will be less centered in material nature and more in the higher realms of mind and consciousness.
    199. As man ascends to the spiritual plane of his nature, humanity will rise above mind and discover the unity of all existence and its origins in the original creative consciousness.
    200. Almost all human acts are learned acts.
    201. Each individual inherits physical, emotional, psychological and spiritual dispositions that determine the extent, capacity and power of its form to receive and process the universal consciousness and energy into accomplishment in action.
    202. Each individual learns certain patterns of expressions based on its nature, nurturing, education and environment. These patterns are built up over a lifetime and are slow to change.
    203. All individuals are theoretically equal at the level of potential as the universal energy that seeks expression though each form is the same in consciousness.
    204. At the level of expression, all individuals are not endowed equally with the same human nature and instrumentality to receive and express the universal life energy; therefore, each form is not equal in expression
    205. Human energy expressed in successful action that increases survival, growth, development and enjoyment is accomplishment in life.
    206. As humanity evolved, it moved from a position of being an object in its environment to being a subject with developed capacities to deal with and gain control over many of the forces of nature that were previously a threat to its survival, growth and development.
    207. Today after millennia of human evolution, the physical and vital planes of human nature still dominate over and control the expression of human energy and actions in both individuals and society. Mind has begun to express itself in some aspects of individual and social action, though its role still remains limited and in most cases subject to the forces of the lower planes of human nature.
    208. The life of an individual grows by its ability to increase it consciousness of all that exists within its environment and to discover the knowledge needed to improve its ability to survive, grow and develop.
    209. The consciousness of an individual grows in its capacity to achieve these higher levels of survival growth and development in proportion to its ability to organize this knowledge into effective means of channeling energy for greater results.
    210. As evolution continues an increasingly conscious human form observes and identifies those qualities of action (values) that produce greater success and enhanced levels of survival, growth and development. These qualities of action become both individual and collective values, which are encouraged within the collective as a means of increasing the overall effectiveness of individual and the collective action.
    211. Values are a collective fund of knowledge concerning the best ways to utilize and express human energy in action in order to achieve increase levels of survival, growth and development. Both the individual and collective take efforts to communicate the power of these values to the next generation as a cultural heritage.
    212. Physical values are those qualities of action expressed in and through the physical nature that lead to higher levels of accomplishment in physical actions in life. Physical values include strength, endurance, regularity, cleanliness, orderliness and others.
    213. Vital values are those qualities of life energy expressed in and through the vital nature that lead to increased levels of accomplishment in the vital activities of life. These include: Courage, Bravery, Boldness, Adventure, and others.
    214. Mental values are those qualities of mental energy that express in and through the mental nature that lead to increased levels of accomplishment in mental activities of life. They include: Decisiveness, Conscientiousness, Cooperation, Communication
    215. Spiritual values are those qualities of spiritual energy that express in and through the spiritual nature that lead to increased level of accomplishment in the spiritual activities of life. They include: Honesty, Integrity, Truthfulness, Loyalty, Harmony, Love, Forgiveness
    216. Values at all levels of human nature provide an expanding scale of perfection that challenges the individual and society to increase their efficiency in the use of personal and collective energy for increased levels of survival, growth and development.
    217. Values are amplifiers of both individual and social energy.
    218. Human animal forms are more and more capable of expressing subtle forces of life, emotions, mental consciousness and spiritual awareness.
    219. The increasing capacity of the human form to express subtle forces releases an increasing amount of energy, force and capacity to control and master the less conscious forms and forces within the environment for its survival, growth and development.
    220. In each act all four levels of human energy express, even if each does not result in achievement. The residual energy of unfulfilled parts of an act continues to express in individual and collective action until a faculty and capacity arises that is capable of utilizing this energy to accomplish its results.
    221. As energy takes on patterns of expression in material nature that the senses experience as object and feature, so to the energy that expresses in man takes on patterns of expression in each plane of human nature.
    222. The patterns of energy formation across the four planes of human nature express the nature and quality of the energy and the nature and character of the plane of existence, as it is constituted in man.
    223. The patterns of energy expression in human nature are formulated within the character of the basic relationship that each plane in man has with the surrounding environment. They reflect the dynamic tension that exists between man's inner condition and the effort he takes in the outer environment to fulfill the needs of the inner condition. It is within this dynamic relationship that patterns form and repeat.
    224. In man's physical nature, the patterns are similar to the rest of material nature. They express as the structure and features that make up the human body. As in all material objects, the Laws of Nature govern the expression of energy in form.
    225. In man's vital nature, energy expresses in a number of discernable patterns. Since the vital nature is the animating part of human nature that relates to “will to action” and the emotional response to that action, these patterns express as forms of behavior and feelings.
    226. In the area of will to action, energy expresses as desire – wanting. The vital patterns of will to action include basic vital desires. These desires range from the lower animalistic crude expressions of uninhibited will to action and rise to the higher levels of ambition, drive and seeking power.
    227. In the area of emotional response to action, these patterns express as a wide range of emotional formations – emotions, affections, attitudes – that express and relate to the quality of the will to action in that plane to meet its basic and higher needs. They also express a range from the lowest emotions of jealousy and greed to higher range of affection and love.
    228. The pattern of energy formation for the physical and vital nature together is a combination of will to act and emotional response. This expresses a psychosomatic behaviors which included a wide range of subconscious vital/physical habits such as twitches, ticks, mannerisms, and even illnesses. These habits express pent up or frustrated vital/physical energies that find expression in unconscious behavior.
    229. In man's mental nature, energy expresses as a seeking for knowledge of its environment so it can direct and organize more successful responses to inner needs and the outer actions taken to meet them. The seeking for knowledge creates mental patterns called predilections, preference and opinions, which are formed around intense emotional energy linked to ideas.
    230. In man's spiritual nature, energy expresses as a seeking for union with that which is unknown, so it can discover its original nature behind force and form. As the spiritual nature expresses less structured energy there are no patterns. The energy of this plane expresses as revelation, inspiration and intuition, which in their nature do not fall into fixed patterns as in the previous layers of human nature.
    231. The patterns of energy formation across all four levels of the human nature form the foundations of human personality, and its other elements of character, temperament, and traits that facilitate expression of energy though the individual form for increased levels of survival, growth and development.
    232. In each phase of evolution, the outer personality of mankind has reflected the nature and character of the plane through which the bulk of human energy is received, processed and expressed. As evolution continues, there has been a gradual but persistent change in human personality and its qualities as it attempts to express a higher range and complex mix of energies from the physical, vital and mental planes.
    233. In each individual, personality, character, temperament, and traits express the configuration of the balance of the four planes of human nature particular to each individual form. This configuration determines how the energy passing through individual form expresses.
    234. In the vast majority of humanity, the organization of personality is not well developed. Therefore, it is common to see a wide range of complementary and contradictory behavior in an individual as energy expresses in different ways and in different directions through each part of an individual's nature.
    235. As the human personality becomes more centered in a well-defined and active mental center, it acquires a greater power of expression in all planes of action.
    236. Like all other forms, human patterns of behavior become rigid and inflexible, thus retarding its ability to receive and express the full energy that the personality receives from the subliminal consciousness. To continue to survive, grow and develop, each individual must struggle to break old energy patterns and reformulate them into more adaptive patterns that keep the personality alive.
    237. As the human animal form succeeds in accumulating excess energy, it expresses this fund of energy in a mix of activities throughout the 15 basic relationships between man and his environment. Accumulated energy presses for expression and can act in three basic directions.
    238. Human consciousness progress from its roots in the physical to it highest spiritual expression is not linear. Energy accumulates in one area of a plane and stimulates energy in other areas of the same plane or in other planes. Thus human nature and its capacity develops in clusters as energy accumulates and express within and across all planes of human nature.

      The Nature of Human Mind

    240. Mental consciousness is the lower expression of the original creative consciousness.
    241. Mental consciousness is not unitary in nature like the original creative consciousness. The action of mind is to understand through division. It continuously relates to the universe and seeks to know its nature and rules of action through an endless process of dividing objects or thoughts into smaller parts so it can define differences, which create understanding through limitation.
    242. Mental consciousness perceives and understands from the point of view of the form – the part – therefore it sees everything with a limited perspective.
    243. The plane of mind is made up of series of ascending planes of consciousness – physical mind, vital mind, thinking mind and higher mind, illumined mind, intuitive mind and Supermind.
    244. Physical mind is the sense processing and organizing part of the mind.
    245. Vital mind is the emotive aspect of mind that embellishes facts and information of the physical mind with feelings and preferences resulting in the formation of opinions.
    246. Thinking or mental mind is the detached, analytical, and rational part of the mind involved in thought and understanding. This part of mind does not depend on sense input and experience for its operation.
    247. Higher mind knows without words or thoughts through silence.
    248. Illumined mind knows without words or thoughts through revelation – that makes known the nature of a thing or idea in a flash of light.
    249. Intuitive mind knows though a direct perception of the thing to be known. This part of mind comes closest to man's spiritual nature.
    250. In the higher actions of mind such as revelation and intuition, the quality of the dividing mind that perceives reality from the point of view of the part diminishes, thus allowing a truer perception of the nature of existence.
    251. Supermind is the original unitary and creative consciousness that has brought forth the action we call the universe.
    252. Mind has certain basic functions that help it to process information. These functions are called:
    253. Thought is a mental form of energy expressing itself as an effort to organize sensation into cognition and understanding.
    254. Mind has a lower and higher plane of operation.
    255. The lower plane of mind is that of sense knowledge which has developed over eons. Sense data is received in the body, travels to the mind along the nervous system and creates sense images. These sense images are organized and categorized by the lower action of the mind in its effort to know and survive in its environment more effectively.
    256. The function of physical mind is to receive and process sensations, information, data, etc. into a variety of mental organization called thoughts, and ideas based on perceived relationships between force and form and the environment.
    257. The lower side of mind is subject to the limitations and constrictions of sense knowledge, which is partial, skewed, distorted and in many cases inaccurate.
    258. The mind also possesses higher functions that can stand back from the rush of continuous stimulation and view sense data with detachment. This poise allows mind to observe and discover patterns within sense knowledge. These patterns formed the basis of a new form of generalize knowledge in the mind, which discovers new ways to improve the level and quality of survival, growth and developmental activities based on knowledge
    259. The higher side of mind is not limited by sense knowledge found in the lower mind. But it has its own set of limitations, as it still operates within the limits of a dividing consciousness with its partial perspective.
    260. The human animate form is endowed with a wide range of mental capacities, many of which have yet to express actively in human life. The vast majority of individuals have use of their physical mind and its organizing powers. Only a small part of the population has developed the use and application of its higher mental capacities.
    261. Within a small and isolated part of the human population, some new functions of mind have begun to express. These new capacities are what our current consciousness calls paranormal experiences, as their occurrence is isolated and their operation is not fully understood. In the course of evolution, these enhanced mental capacities, which include clairvoyance, precognition and other abilities, will become more common. Eventually, they will become permanent capacities of the species.
    262. In the early stages of mental awakening in the human species, mind's primary function is reception, organization and classification of both sense information and the associated nervous and emotional sensations. Mental operations, like all other elements in human nature, begins in the physical and vital elements of mind and ascends to the higher levels as energy accumulates and capacities develop. Therefore, the initial functioning of mind in its lower operations has the character and influence of the physical and vital nature.
    263. Over time as mind develops through education, thinking, contemplation, and meditation, higher elements of conceptualization and abstraction emerged. These capacities begin to free mind from the influences of its association with the body and emotions.
    264. In the higher activities of mind, there is a significant reduction in the role of the instrumentality of the senses and the nervous system. The actions of the mind become more subtle and creative, as it is freed from the constraints of instrumentality.
    265. As mind continues to develop and new capacities emerge, it will require less instrumentality for reception of data from the environment and extension of organization back into life. Mind, which extends infinitely across the universe like the other planes of Nature, will gradually support universal action and control across great distances without the need for instrumentality.
    266. Mental consciousness is capable of perceiving and knowing an object directly without sense knowledge when it rises above its poise in physical mind and senses and begins to operate from more subtle centers in the mental plane.
    267. The power of mind increases as its develops on a number of axis including physical to subtle, sense related to non-sense related, involved in action to detached from action, and narrow/rigid to universal/flexible.
    268. Since mind is the lower extension of the original creative consciousness, it actions and functions express a direct though diminished influence of the involved original creative consciousness.
    269. The awakened human animal form acting from its higher realm of minds has the power to create its outer environment just like the original consciousness created the universe.
    270. Since the universe is a self creative environment put forth by the original consciousness, it is possible for higher realms of the mind, which begin to approach and merge with the original consciousness, to develop limited though powerful capacities in each of its ascending planes that can create forms and forces through the directed and concentrated action of its energy and extend them into the self creative environment of the universe.
    271. Once mind conceives what it wants to create in its highest planes, it must commit and infuse all of the required mental energy into its conception in order to convert it into a subtle form. Then it must take a determined decision to commit all of the energies needed to support its extension into reality through. The process of determined decision making sets the energy in all planes of the self creative universe in motion that are required to create the outer form of the conception in the course of time. Thus the self creative universe responds to the action of the higher mind and provides mental man with the power to create his environment.
    272. The power of creating the outer environment does not work or works in a very limited manner depending on how the process of determined decision making takes place in the mind. If this act is partial of limited it does not release the required mental energy into the self creative universe. Therefore, the conception remains alive in thought but not in extension.
    273. Once the mind has conceived, decided and released its energy into the self creative environment, it moves the forces of outer life to create conditions in which the conception has a much greater chance of becoming a reality. But Life at this stage of evolution still requires the intense emotional involvement of the human vital nature, emotions, and the dedicated execution of the physical nature to actualize the potential as a reality.
    274. In the future as man ascends more into the realms of his higher mental consciousness, it will be possible to create the outer result in life with little or no assistance from the outer instrumentality of the other planes of human nature.
    275. The way a work is undertaken in the mind as well as the rest of human nature determines the outcome.
    276. As humanity ascends to the higher plane of mental action both individually and collectively, the objects and organizations it creates posses and express greater power, which continues to move towards practical infinity.
    277. Everything that was created in the world before the awakening of human mind was the result of an involved consciousness acting unconsciously though the form of matter and subconsciously though the force of life.
    278. Everything created in the world since the awakening of human mind is an increasingly conscious creation and extension of mind into life and matter.
    279. There appears to be nothing that mind cannot conceive of and create in time. The final result is determined by the quality of the conception and the energy it releases though its multidimensional nature into life and matter.
    280. When man shifts his center of functioning from the vital and physical plane to the mind, he develops an increased sense of self-awareness, an insight into the source and nature of his actions and a sense of need to control his actions as part of the process of reaching the highest degree of achievement possible within an action.
    281. The emergence of this greater self-awareness and its associated perceptions is the foundation of a moral sense in man.
    282. Morality is a temporary and changing code of mental and social values intended to direct and harness the full energies of the vital and physical nature under the leadership of mental knowledge and will in order to increase the level of survival, growth and development in a specific cultural environment.
    283. When the resources and capacities of the vital and physical planes of existence submit to the knowledge and will of the mental consciousness greater results are achieved with less effort and resources.
    284. Concentration is one of the most important actions of mind that is necessary for its proper operation both in conception as well as in extension into to force and form. At the lower levels of mental operation, concentration limits focus and applies its energy to a limited field of action. At higher levels of mind, concentration becomes more powerful when its no longer limits its focus but rather expands the field of concentration towards universality.
    285. As man ascends through evolution from his animalistic past toward his mental and spiritual nature, he becomes closer in essence and expression to the original creative consciousness and in the process he acquires more of the powers of the original consciousness.
    286. When man lives and acts though his physical nature, he utilizes the most inconscient part of his nature to express the involved consciousness of the original creative force. The nature of these actions is limited and can be characterized dull, brutal, excruciating, painstaking, slow and arduous.
    287. When man lives and acts through his vital nature, he utilizes the subconscious force of the involved consciousness to express its power in action. The nature of these actions is more expressive and produces increased though still limited results and can be characterized as impulsive, enthusiastic, sporadic, intense and chaotic.
    288. When man lives and acts through his mental nature, he utilizes an increasingly conscious part of his nature to express the involved consciousness. The nature of these actions is increasingly more powerful and can be characterized as conscious, organized, structured, and results oriented.
    289. When man lives and acts through his spiritual nature, he expresses the direct spiritual force of the original unitary consciousness. The nature of these actions can be characterized as instantaneously miraculousness.
    290. The speed of evolution continues to increase as man evolves and develops the capacity of his higher nature.
    291. Man's Relationship with Matter

    292. For most of human history matter a resource has been destroyed, cut, smashed or broken in some manner as part of the process of making the resource useable.
    293. When physical man relates to physical form in the struggle of survival, the nature of this relationship is crude and blunt as two physical forms interact at the level of matter. This interaction is characterized by contact between physical forms that leads to destruction, breaking or changing the original form into objects that make them more useful in the process of survival.
    294. When vital man relates to physical form in the struggle of life, the nature of the relationship is driven by resourcefulness and drive of life energy, which energizes the relationship beyond a mere physical encounter to one where added energy and drive leads to increased production of resources through enthusiasm, shrewdness and hard work.
    295. When mental man relates to physical form his mind reaches out to know the nature and structure of material form and the arrangement of its energy so he can understand and devise processes and methods of interaction that will result in repeatable production of abundant resources for survival, growth and development.
    296. Man has initially learned to apply force and energy to matter to cut, shape, and mold tools and products in order to achieve higher levels of survival.
    297. Human mind is now extending itself into the nature of matter and is in the process of learning how to manipulate and organize the essential building blocks (elements) of matter in order to construct anything mind can conceive to help the species achieve higher levels of survival.
    298. Mind's perception brings out the infinity of matter as a resource.
    299. When man relates to physical forms from his spiritual consciousness he becomes aware of the true nature of the form, its consciousness, energy and substance. From this consciousness an individual can multiply a resource infinitely by relating to and releasing some of its infinity through the truths, powers and principles of that poise of consciousness.
    300. Human manipulation of force and matter into new forms of matter is the action of evolved consciousness in form returning to act on matter from a higher point in evolution, and applying its knowledge of force and form to create new materials.
    301. The evolution of human derived forms and forces is the emergence of a more conscious level of progress driven by an ever-awakening consciousness in mind and spirit.
    302. The Evolutionary Foundations of Human Society
    303. Man is a social animal like many previous animate forms.
    304. Like the individual, society is a form of existence that receives, processes and expresses universal energy into action for its survival, growth and development.
    305. Society is a less developed conscious form than many individuals within the society. A small number of citizens have well-developed capacities that are far ahead of the general society. Society encourages these individuals within limits to build new social organization around new concepts. Later it assimilates these personal organizations into the society as wider social organizations.
    306. Society like all other forms is made up of consciousness, force and substance expressing in a wide variety of combinations that create outer forms and functions to express its inner nature.
    307. Society is a living form – organism – that exists in a state of continual creative self destruction and reformulation as it seeks to develop structure, instrumentality and process to fully meet its needs at all levels of its nature so it can more fully express the full power of its inherent consciousness in its collective action.
    308. Human society is the social expression of the principles of aggregation, attraction/repulsion, communication, union, competition, cooperation and others that shape the outer form of society. The action of these principles is the same in the social plane as it is in the material plane of existence. It brings together a wide variety of forms and combines them according to the play of a wide range of forces to form society.
    309. Human society is an extension of the individual's effort to survive, grow, reproduce and develop expressed in a collective action that seeks primarily to insure the survival of the species and secondarily the survival, growth and development of the individual through collective action.
    310. All that is accomplished in society is built on the efforts and energies of all that has come before in the physical, vital, mental and spiritual planes of existence.
    311. All existing cultural and social activities, systems, organizations and structures are based on preceding successful acts that have helped the species to survive, grow or develop to higher levels some time in the past. All of these preceding acts can be traced back to the origin of human and in some cases animal life.
    312. Society is a multi-dimensional creative environment in time and space created and energized by an involved subliminal consciousness that expresses its energy through the sub-consciousness aspiration of the collective to achieve an improved level of survival, growth and development, which brings forth an endless stream of social forces and organizations in each of the four planes of existence – Spirit, Mind, Life and Matter – to express an evolutionary creative action that in the course of time transforms an animalistic collective into a human collective capable of increasing levels of productive and conscious existence.
    313. Society is a multi-dimensional creative organization of human relationships at all levels of human nature that creates an environment in which individuals come into existence, grow, develop their energies and capacities, share them in some degree with the society for its overall progress and then die. The social environment is charged with a fund of collective energy that arises from the general environment and all of its constituents, who not only supply energy but also feed upon this fund for their lives.
    314. The energy that individuals supply to the collective is a mixture of their – fulfilled and unfulfilled, conscious and subconscious – physical, vital, mental and spiritual energy.
    315. The growth of society is driven also by the continuous release of social force and energy that is created by the interaction of complementary/opposing forces within the society that seek expression as energy, process and form.
    316. Society is driven by its fund of energy and its collective consciousness that is made up of the aspirations, fulfilled and unfulfilled, of its members at all levels of human nature from the beginning of time. This fund of subconscious social energy acts beneath the active consciousness of society to uncover and bring forth new ideas and organizations that will improve the individual and collective capacity to meet its basic human needs. These ideas rise up in society through an individual who seeks to establish them in practice in order to make society more successful at survival, growth and development.
    317. Creativity and change arise at the fringe of society where social forces are less organized into rigid structure and process. In these conditions new forms can germinate and take root before the society assimilates them into the wider social action.
    318. Change in the society begins as an individual effort to organize personal action and moves gradually through a process where it becomes an impersonal organization of action that integrates itself into and across society to the extent that it serves the larger purpose of survival, growth and development.
    319. The individual is the center from which new levels of organization begin and are proven before their wide spread adoption by collective.
    320. Within society pioneering individuals arise who experiment with and develop new organization of activities in an effort to be more successful at survival, growth and development.
    321. If pioneering individuals try to establish dramatic changes that are too far ahead of the society, the collective turns on the individual and if he is not strong enough destroys him.
    322. If pioneering individuals try to establish changes that are within the capacity of the society,, they still face challenging and sometime hostile attitudes which represent the conservative aspects of life that seek to preserve that which already exists. Gradually a pioneering individual becomes a leader in society when he succeeds at establishing his new social organization.
    323. Society recognizes the efforts of the pioneer but quickly forgets this person and moves on with its growth and development, as the individual is of less importance in the overall evolutionary movement of the collective.
    324. Once new social organizations have been proven successful, the collective assimilates those that support its overall survival and progress.
    325. Society learns certain patterns of expression based on its nature and environment. These patterns, which are built up over centuries, are slow to change.
    326. Society like other forms has four plans of existence. They are:
    327. The outer expression of the four planes of society are
    328. Man is one of the primary units of society who can act both individually and socially.
    329. Family is another of the primary units of society.
    330. Society like the individual animate form evolves and develops along the same scale of meeting needs starting with physical rising to the vital, climbing to the mental and ascending into spiritual.
    331. The process of social advancement, like that of the individual animate form, is not linear. As certain basic needs are met and energy accumulates in one plane, it stimulates energy in other areas of the same plane or in other planes. This complex web of accumulation and expression creates a process of individual and social advancement characterized by expanding clusters expressing in and across planes.
    332. Society is a collective existence that nurtures and supports the efforts of the individual to survive, grow, and develop his individuality. Under the right conditions, society supports and nurtures individuals and in return individuals support the growth and development of society.
    333. Society and the individual have a symbiotic relationship in which the individual is nurtured and supported in proportion to his identification and absorption into the society for its long term survival, growth and development.
    334. The ideal society is one in which the full capacities of the individual are developed and provided the freedom to choose how he or she will serve the society and its larger collective action to insure the greatest level of survival, growth and development of that society.
    335. The survival of society is more important than that of the individual.
    336. Human society like earlier animals societies has structure, instrumentality, process and rules of conduct geared to the maximizing the overall survivability of the collective.
    337. There are forces, attitudes and actions in society that support the birth and creation of new forms and forces to insure greater survivability of the society
    338. There are forces, attitudes, and actions in the society that support the preservation and maintenance for the established order of the society.
    339. There are force, attitudes and actions that seek to destroy the society through reactionary or anarchistic action.
    340. Progress is the resultant of the play of social and individual forces, which include those that seek advancement, those that seek preservation and those that seek a reversal or return to an older outdated form. When the forces, of preservation or reversal are stronger than those of advancement, progress is almost non-existent or slow and arduous. When the balance shifts in the favor of the emerging forces, progress is faster and in some cases rapid.
    341. The ultimate expressive power and capacity of a society in time and space cannot be determined by its current mode of expression. In the course of its interaction with both internal and external forces and forms, new combinations of its essential components and social features arise to significantly change its inner and outer nature, character and power of action.
    342. Survival is a state of social existence centered in the physical/vital planes of human nature in which society seeks to live in harmony with the basic laws of nature and its environment. Survival enables the individual and the collective to eek out an existence in a threatening environment based on subconscious physical and vital actions.
    343. Growth is state of social existence in which already existing organizations spread horizontally across the society to sectors that have not yet benefited from its activities. Growth leads to multiplication of what exists but does not create any essential reorganization of society.
    344. Social development is a state of social existence where the emergence and development of new social organization – minds perception of form, structures, principles and laws of action –re-structures some of fundamental actions of the society to meet its wider range of expanding needs. This process involves a vertical rise in the basic capacity of the society based on new organizations that have not existed in the past. It causes an essential change in the character and functioning of society in the sphere of a given activity.
    345. As in earlier animate forms, human social existence is based on the play of two opposing forces, competition and cooperation. Competition and cooperation exists within a given society and in its relationship with other societies.
    346. As in earlier animate forms, an unbalanced expression of competition within a social grouping can result in its decline or destruction. The same rule applies across societies.
    347. As in earlier animate forms, when social complexity increases the demand for greater cooperation is essential for the survival of the social grouping. The same rule applies to the across societies.
    348. Man can act unconsciously or consciously as an individual and as a member of the collectively, depending on the source of his action from within his nature.
    349. When social action is more unconscious in nature, society tends to experience less growth and development. As social action become more conscious, it generates increasing levels of growth and development.
    350. The change in the nature, frequency, and intensity of interaction of individuals and all forms within a society has led to a significant increase in the overall level of individual and collective awareness. Over time, the increased speed and intensity of contacts within and between societies has created and continues to create a new level of collective existence that possess greater capacity to express consciousness, force and substance in actions.
    351. As the society moves away from its original roots in animal consciousness and becomes more organized around its mental nature, it creates increasing levels of freedom for both the individual and the society.
    352. If the basic physical needs of the society like food, shelter, and protection are not met, the expression of its higher potentials are seriously truncated.
    353. Society can only grow out of a survival existence when it achieves a level of life in which the collective produces some level of surplus in meeting its essential physical needs.
    354. Society like the individual grows through a series of stages that begins in the physical, expands into the vital, climbs into the mental and ascends to the spiritual. These stages are consecutive and overlapping so in each stage of development the society expresses the primary character of the stage in which its is centered and secondarily the characteristics of other partly develop stages.
    355. Society grows by its ability to increase it consciousness of all that exists within its environment and to discover the knowledge needed to improve its ability to survive, grow and develop.
    356. The consciousness of the society grows in its capacity to achieve higher levels of survival growth and development in proportion to its ability to organize this knowledge into effective means of channeling energy for greater results.
    357. Societies survive threats and attacks based on by its size, resources, strength, and its overall capacity in many spheres of action in relation to other societies in the general environment.
    358. Society's ability to defend and protect its citizens and the entire community from attack and destruction from groups within its borders or from a more powerful neighbor is one of the basic requirements of social survival.
    359. The Evolution and Development of Human Society

    360. After approximately 5 billion years of evolutionary advancement, a new more supportive environment emerged on earth approximately 20,000 years ago. This change brought forth wide spread conditions that encouraged the re-organizations of basic survival activities within society.
    361. When primitive man viewed his environment from a new mental perspective, material forms in his environment changed from being food to consume and became a resource to utilize and manage. This new mental perspective was the starting point for a fundamental change in the relationship between man and his environment.
    362. The development of herding was one of the first steps man took away from his animal origins. This step changed his relationship with his environment from that of a subconscious animal to one of a conscious herder and breeder of a food resource.
    363. The introduction of herding as a new social organization was the first time in evolutionary history that an animate form consciously subjected other forms-species-to its will and control, as a means of securing a more permanent food source and a means for achieving greater levels of survival and growth.
    364. With the advent of new mental perspectives about man's relationship with his environment, man forever changed his relationship with all objects within his environment. Every object became a potential resource, which mind could evaluate, use, and manage to help the individual and collective to survive, grow and develop.
    365. Human mind, which had observed animals as part of its hunting activities for millennia, understood the life cycle, nature and qualities of animal in the environment. Utilizing this knowledge, man created new social activities to capture, domesticate, breed, graze, slaughter, and consume this resource. The outer organization of herding was an extension of mind's view and determination to achieve greater success in meeting basic food needs through directed action.
    366. All resources for social development are created by mind's perception and organization in the context of meeting human needs within the organization of society.
    367. All social organizations are in relationship with all other organizations in the general environment. A change in one organization has direct or indirect impact on the nature, structure and processes of other social organizations. The type of changes that occur depends on the nature of the relations between the primary organization that has changed and the related organizations.
    368. Many social organizations including social leadership, family, work activities, migration of the clan, and other activities underwent significant change in response to the development of herding.
    369. Herding was the first social organization that provided the individual and collective with regular abundance and surplus to meet man's basic physical needs.
    370. Mental organization that extended itself into outer social organization, transformed man from being a subconscious animate form subject to the forces of nature and life to that of a conscious human animal capable of knowing the nature and actions of forces and objects in his environment and becoming to varying degrees their master.
    371. The subsequent development of farming and its related activities represented another critical effort of the human species to extend its mental perception about land and plants into a new organization of survival activities. In the case of agriculture, man further changed his relationship with his environment, as he become a producer rather than a consumer or herder.
    372. During the transition from hunter gather to farmer, human consciousness began to develop a greater sense of self awareness, separation form its environment, power over forces in its environment, success in meeting basic needs, and achievement of surplus. These changes were the very early beginnings of the psyche of modern man who has a much greater sense of individuality and self.
    373. Agriculture is an action of mental perception and knowledge working in cooperation with life energy and the physical body to bring forth more of the infinite potential of the physical land and plants through an organization of resources, activities, and technology, which was unexpressed in man's earlier relationship with his physical environment,
    374. The organization of herding and agriculture broke man's connection with the nomadic life of the hunter-gatherers who were driven by subconscious or instinctive life force of an his earlier animal nature.
    375. The advent of agriculture changed man's relationship with his environment from that of a nomadic hunting group to that of small collectives living on and off the land in a mixed productive economy of hunting, herding and farming.
    376. The introduction of agriculture created a greater sense of permanence and stability in the life of the individual and the collective as it re-organized its life style into repeating cycles of planting and harvest within a fixed geographical area.
    377. Agriculture changed the nature of man's relationship with his environment from unconscious slave to the laws of nature to an increasingly conscious creator of means to generate physical abundance and security.
    378. The re-organization of the collective action into permanent settlements gradually lead to the accumulation of surplus food, material things and over time wealth that was unknown in the previous organization of nomadic hunter gathers.
    379. The emergence of surpluses represented advancement for the species that immediately lead to growth in the size and number of people within the collective. As in early physical forms, the presence of excess energy resulted in the emergence of new capacities and the ability for increased self-multiplication and growth.
    380. The first organizations of society were the result of mind applying itself to the meeting of man's primary physical needs. Man, his organizations, and its products were predominantly physical in character. Herding and agriculture formed part of the physical foundation for the future society that was to emerge from growing surpluses.
    381. The introduction, validation, and wide spread adaptation of a physical organization across society took significant time. The time required for the full maturing of physical organization and the rise of society to the vital stage extended over hundred or thousands of years, depending on the specific conditions in a society and the general conditions in the environment.
    382. At each step of social advancement tools – technology – appropriate to each new organization emerged as part of the new mental organization being established in the social collective. Technology as we have seen expressed in higher primates when its advancing consciousness was able to perceive and conceive of the use of resources in the environment in unique ways as tools to increase efficiency in survival activities.
    383. As man organized new social organizations, his advancing mental consciousness was able to expand its tool making capacity to provide all of the appropriate means needed for higher levels of growth. Technology is the mind's capacity to conceive and express itself though physical nature for increased effectiveness.
    384. During the period 12,000 BC to 2,000 BC, man created the basic organization needed to address all 15 of the fundamental relationships between himself and his environment. He introduced the following social organization:
    385. i. Religious Leadership

      ii. Temples and religious functions

      iii. Center for learning and the search for knowledge

      iv. Diverse organizations based on knowledge that served essential needs in the community

      v. Religious training centers

      i. Leadership – Civil

      ii. Formation of State

      iii. Government organization

      1. National Administration

      2. Local administration

      iv. Law and order organization

      i. Spoken language

      ii. Symbolic or pictorial language

      iii. Alphabet

      iv. Written language / clay and papyrus

      i. Exploration

      ii. Migration

      i. Markets

      ii. Barter

      iii. Money

      iv. Trade – local and foreign

      i. Land travel – Wheel – cart, chariot, horse back

      ii. Sea travel – Boats

      i. Temple celebrations

      ii. Festivals

      iii. Story telling

      i. Herding

      ii. Agriculture

      iii. Associated organizations – irrigation, storage, etc.

      i. Production tools

      ii. Weapons

      iii. Utilitarian items

      i. Fortified cities

      ii. Military organizations

      iii. Weapons research and development

      iv. Training centers

      i. Homes

      ii. Fortified cities

      iii. Public Buildings

      iv. Infrastructure

      i. Family structure

      i. Local herbal medicine

    386. The organization of language, herding, agriculture and self defense by the human animal form created the foundation for all social and cultural patterns that were to develop in the future.
    387. The basic physical organizations of society including language, herding, farming and tool making spread across the globe in a few thousand years to all areas where the environment supported this type of activity. Crops and practices varied, but the essential organization created by mind to manage action, resources, and tools remained essentially the same.
    388. Throughout the period when physical organizations were being introduced and for a good part of human history, man has been a beast of burden utilizing his physical body and vital energy to achieve a modicum of survival and growth. This has continued even into modern times.
    389. Life became more stable and prosperous with the introduction of basic physical organization.
    390. The introduction of organization into early communities created increased complexity and changed the fundamental relations between and amongst its members. This complexity expressed in the community as the expanding phenomenon of division of labor.
    391. As society developed over the past 15,000 years the division of labor has continued to increase. At each stage of social development – physical, vital, mental and spiritual – division of labor expressed either a continued horizontal expansion across the collective or a vertical development from one plane to the next, which brought forth newer divisions providing many different functions within the collective.
    392. The introduction of organization also created prosperity, which led to the phenomenon of social stratification. As surplus accumulated in stable communities, those that adopted organization accumulated wealth and became its leaders. Those that resisted organization and its demands, became less productive and quickly sank to the lower strata of the community.
    393. Gradually, society continued to expand based on continuing success in creating surpluses. It began to establish a number of large population centers which were connected through family relationships, trade, and defense. In the course of time, larger collective organization – tribes, clans and even states were formed as political organizations to manage the actions of the wider collective.
    394. For thousands of years herding, agriculture, building, primitive tool making, defense and medicine formed the core physical organizations that helped the collective to expand from isolated communities of a few hundred to cites of a few thousand to the cradles of civilization where tens of thousands supported themselves in a mixed economy.
    395. During the early period of social organization, society learned to meet its basic needs of food, clothing, shelter and defense, which are the fundamental organizations that all societies must create, master and refine in order to move past the survival level of existence.
    396. Any weaknesses or problems that arise in the development or maintenance of the basic physical organizations related to food, clothing, shelter and defense can stop growth and development, can cause a reversal to earlier levels of subconscious functioning, and in some cases can lead to the destruction of a community.
    397. The history of civilization is the slow and steady introduction of new social organizations and the gradual assimilation and expansion of these organizations across the society to meet all human needs at each plane of its basic nature.
    398. Social development takes place wherever excess energy accumulates within the society and expresses as a drive to achieve something more than the current organization provides to individuals and the collective.
    399. Social progress is achieved when individuals in the society seek to accomplish more than what they have achieved so far, reject those attitudes and qualities that inhibit their progress and give up their allegiance to their old ideals and organizations and accept a new vision and organization of social action.
    400. In normal conditions, there is gradual and seamless transition taking at every moment within society whereby the old is destroyed and it is replaced by the new.
    401. At certain points of transition in the development of society, where there is significant resistance between the old and the new, destructive forces are released within society to destroy the old forms and organizations, so new ones can emerge.
    402. The history of civilization is one of a multi-dimensional expansion of organization throughout society and the global community. This expansion follows a number of processes including the following:
    403. Over the past 15,000 years successful civilizations have emerged based on their capacity to conceive and extend a full range of physical, vital, mental and spiritual organizations throughout the territory in which the society existed.
    404. For the past 15,000 years there has been a constant struggle going on between organized society and the nomadic people of the world. It has been a struggle in which both sides invaded and destroyed the other for millennia. In the process, the values of both cultures have gradually been assimilated into the dominant organized society. The most successful modern societies are those that have found ways to permit the active expression of both ideals within their structure. – The will to be free and the drive for security and protection within the collective.
    405. In the early physical societies where the level of abundance was limited, a social elite dominated the collective existence and everything was done to satisfy the needs of a leader or a small elite. In return this leadership offered a modicum of protection and security for the masses. The individual did not really exist in society and to the extent that he did he was only an instrument of the state or elite.
    406. In the vital society where higher levels of abundance were achieved though craft, trade and military adventure, the individual emerged from the crowd and was granted certain rights which existed in principal even if in reality the individual remained subject to the will of the ruler or the elite.
    407. When society achieved higher levels of abundance from a more diverse economy that supported physical security, expanding exchange and interaction, mental inquiry and the accumulation of knowledge, the role of the individual began to change dramatically as his or her development became central to the continued growth of the society. Until this point man had been essentially a best of burden not unlike many of his animal kin.
    408. When society shifted its perception from serving the one to serving the many, it released a infinite source of energy within the population across all planes of human existence into the development of new social organization which over the last 600 years has resulted in the greatest development of mankind in the past 20,000.
    409. As each society seeks to embody this ideal in its organizations and extend these rights in practice to every individual, society begins to find a balance between the rights of the state and the individual that is capable of creating a state of continuous growth and development.
    410. Certain vital and mental organizations have arisen upon the foundation created by physical organization. These organizations have been central in supporting the shift from divine rights of kings to constitutional democracy. They include the vital organization of markets, money, trade, transportation, and communication along with the mental organizations of research and education. The combination of the actions of a wide variety of organizations within these sectors have lead to the modern democratic state that appears capable of gradually meeting the needs of all of its citizens
    411. There are processes and principles that govern the general progress of society as it develops and moves from one level of organization to another and back again in a continual loop of advancement.
    412. As each level of organization within the society continues to increase its capacities though growth and refinement, the society continues to release more and more energy for its continued development.

      The Nature and Role of Organization in Social Existence

    414. An act is the outer expression of the force of inner consciousness – need – seeking to achieve fulfillment of its inner need through its actions in the outer environment.
    415. Acts that arise from the physical or vital center of the human animal are not human acts but unconscious acts driven by physical urges and vital desires in the human animal that repeat whenever the urge seeks fulfillment. These acts may be highly effective behaviors but they remained unconscious, isolated and disconnected from other actions of the human animal form.
    416. Each action that man takes to meet the essential needs of his nature from his mind is a human act, which has the potential to create a self sustaining organizations at the physical, vital, mental or spiritual planes of existence, that can support both individual and collective advancement over extended periods of time.
    417. A human act is the fundamental unit of creative force in society.
    418. Human activity is a sequence of acts structured by the mind in such a way as to accomplish a consistent satisfaction of some level of need in the individual and collective.
    419. Human systems are a series of activities that have been combined with the knowledge of the mind to effectively meet human needs.
    420. Organization is the process whereby mind conceives of an overarching concept that links a number of systems into a significant form that has structure, instrumentality and process to consistently meet human needs at a higher level than has been accomplished by human acts, activities and systems.
    421. Organizations that arise in society are the outward expression of mind consciously applying itself to meet its inner needs at all levels of human nature as a part of the process of survival, growth and development.
    422. Human acts are made up of learned behavior.
    423. Human activities are made up of series of learned behavior applied in a partly or fully conscious manner.
    424. Human systems are made up of learned acts and activities that are consciously structured and arranged by mind to achieve greater results in a more deliberate and effective fashion.
    425. Human organizations are a higher level of combined systems conceived of and applied with direct intention of accomplishing greater results based on a mental perception of the correct alignment of forms, forces and action.
    426. Organization is a process of mind that perceives new means of structuring action to meet the full range of human needs successfully with less energy, so man can utilize an increasing fund of surplus energy for additional growth, reproduction and development.
    427. Organization is the mental technology of the human animal to assess its inner needs and the condition needed to meet them in its outer environment leading to the creation of outer structure, instrumentality, and processes that help the human form to satisfy its needs at the highest level possible in the given context.
    428. Organization is an instrument of social development, which fundamentally restructures social activities in such a way that it creates a vertical advancement in the capacity of society that leads to higher levels of survival, growth and development from the expenditure of less energy.
    429. Organizations like individuals and societies exist at each level of human nature. Therefore there are organizations that are characteristically physical, vital, mental and spiritual in nature.
    430. Individuals are continuously creating a variety of organizations to meet their multi-dimensional needs.
    431. As society absorbs new organizations into its structure, a cluster of organization is formed that work in an integrated fashion to meet a full range of some basic. These clusters of social organizations take time to develop. Once they are established, they have the capacity to meet all the needs of society and more in a given sector of social action.
    432. Social organizations compete and cooperate with each other to provide the most effective and efficient means of meeting both individual and wider social needs.
    433. The principles of cooperation and competition play the same role in social organizations as they did in the creation of material and primitive animate forms.
    434. Since all human animal forms have the same basic needs, there is a basic commonality in the organizations that develop within different societies. There are also distinct cultural differences between organizations in different societies.
    435. The carrying capacity of an organization is determined by the strength of its organizing force and the balanced development of structure, instrumentality and processes in relationship to that force.
    436. The carry capacity of society is determined by a number of conditions:
    437. As long as the human animal relates to the universe through mind, its current highest faulty, it will continue to create organizations that attempt to meet human needs at all planes of its nature.
    438. Whenever a social organization integrates itself with a wider range of organizations or other activities within the society, it amplifies its power and its capacity to produce results.
    439. In the initial stages of introducing a new organization into society, it requires support and nurturing before it becomes self-supporting.
    440. After the initial period of support, a social organization becomes self-sufficient and is able to survive, grow and in many cases develop higher capabilities when the integrated functioning of all of its components and processes produces excess energy.
    441. At a particular point in the life of a social organization, it develops the potential to self- multiply itself, its power and its results. This happens when
    442. The Future of Man

    443. As evolution continues there is an increasing release of subtle forces in the universe that creates infinite potential for the expression of consciousness, force and substance.
    444. In the course of time humanity's higher mental nature will emerged and become more organized and powerful.
    445. With the emergence of man higher mental nature, he will gain immense power to further shape the life of the individual and society.
    446. There is a continuing play between the truths, powers and principles of each plane of existence as part of the on-going evolutionary action of the creative universe. This play releases enormous energies into the self creative universe, in an effort to create a self conscious animate form that knows it is an outer from of the original creative consciousness.
    447. In time the higher spiritual nature of the human animal will begin to express actively in life, first amongst a few and later across a wider section of the race.
    448. It is possible that as man evolves to the higher levels he may become a new species separate from the current form of homo sapiens, as has happened in earlier stages of evolution.
    449. Human consciousness is capable of discovering and living in the depths of its being, a state of consciousness that is a part of the original creative consciousness. To reach this state of awareness the individual must dissolved numerous layers of ignorance in their consciousness that hides the original creative consciousness from the surface consciousness.
    450. There are seven layers of ignorance that have emerged as part of the evolutionary process that must be dissolved in order to discover the original consciousness. They are:
    451. The seven fold ignorance in man must be replaced by an integral knowledge, which is based on a seven fold self-revelation within his consciousness. This revelation must reveals all that is hidden by the seven fold ignorance.
    452. When man rises to the highest levels of his spiritual nature, organization will become spontaneous, subtle, free of structure and form and capable of infinite and instantaneous results based on the ability of the individual to express directly the truths powers and principles of the original creative consciousness.
    453. In the course of evolution man will eventually reunite with the original creative consciousness and in doing so he will take on a totally new form with greater force that is capable of expressing the full nature and power of that consciousness.
    454. The final self conscious form will posses physical immortality, freedom from disease and suffering, direct knowledge and bliss of an infinite consciousness, and all of the powers needed to express its infinite truths and principles.

    455. Miscellaneous Points

    456. The instrument or organization through which we relate to the universe determines the extent to which its infinity is perceived and made available for expression.