Is Falsehood Becoming Untenable?

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Een Engelstalig artikel over de onhoudbaarheid van de Leugen geschreven door Robert van Harten, voorzitter van De Moeder’s Geuren.

Verschenen in het e-journal Cadmus van the World Academy of Art & Science (WAAS) op 28 mei 2018. Lees het artikel als PDF of online, of lees hieronder verder.


We are entering a phase in the evolution of life and society where falsehood is not tenable anymore. It shows in the acute emergence of concealed and hidden systems and organisations of falsehood into the open. The world is readying itself to embrace harmony and unity as the real truth and basis of life on earth. The destruction of life and our world has reached untenable levels and only falsehood is the barrier that holds us back from real solutions that must be implemented to save our climate, our health and nature itself.

1. Introduction
The days that one, with the help of the courts, can delay justice indefinitely are coming to an end. The days are passed that one can say one is innocent till proven otherwise. This has far-reaching consequences for the future of our lives. Organised falsehood is losing its strength, its protection and support by which it becomes increasingly vulnerable to exposure and time.

2. Tipping Point
In the operation of justice we seem to have crossed the tipping point. It virtually means the end of justice as we know it.

For, the other side of the tipping point is overwhelming and frightening to the powers that control our world. The strongholds of the power of government, the power of money, the power of size, the power of lobbying, and the power of economic threat are crumbling before our eyes. The power of justice is changing hands too. The nature of justice anchored in rigid law cannot keep pace with the changes in the organisation of society. The immense overhaul that is necessary to keep ourselves connected to the changing needs of the society (which used to be the responsibility of politics), can only be accomplished with the help of (groups of) individuals.

3. Rational Explanation
But first we have to answer the question whether there is a rational explanation and basis for this paradigm shift.

“Has the time come when one cannot hide the falsehood of the past anymore?”

At all points in our society the monopolistic and centralised powers of government, institutes and companies are shifting to the group (of individuals) and the individual. It is an evolutionary movement. The collective consciousness withdraws its powers of domination and organisation from centres of power and releases its transformed powers in favour of the individual, as the individual is mentally, emotionally and psychologically ready to fulfil his task to harmonize life on earth.

4. Time Loses its Protection
Examples of the shift in power and justice. Through the shift of power into the hands of NGOs we see their success to force governments and cities to take far-reaching measures to protect the health of their citizens from air pollution. Electrification of vehicles is becoming a race in time. We see cities and individuals suing the oil companies and the same is expected in many other fields of manufacturing and services, like pharmaceuticals, biotechnical corporations and the internet.

“For truth to replace falsehood, it is necessary that falsehood that is buried, falsehood that is covered, falsehood that is posed as truth, must be revealed first, brought into the open: we must face falsehood in all its intricacies first.”

The shift of power into the hands of individuals is most strikingly seen in the #MeToo movement. It is the best example for insight into the future of justice. The protecting effect of ‘one is innocent till proven otherwise in court' is negligent here and has lost all power of protection when it concerns this type of abuse. It can be expected that this movement is exemplary in regard to all justice of the future. The static old past we used to know is turning dynamic as if projected in the now and becoming as effective as the now. Time loses its protection and exposure is enough for the new force of justice to work. The consequences are enormous.

It is not enough to say I did not know. It is not enough to say we cannot stop producing products and services that contribute to bad health or an earlier death of consumers as it is economically detrimental to do so (your jobs, your economy, your future is at risk). For example, pension and other funds cannot be invested in weapons, in tobacco, in oil and gas, in pesticides for economic reasons, but the future of our planet is at risk as a result of our investments in them.

5. Shift of Key Values from the Economy to the Individual

Economy was for long the magic word. Economy was king. Everything and all had to serve the economy as everything—our welfare and well-being—depended on the state of our economy. The value of the individual came second and was subservient to the economy. But a change of power basics is in the making. Universal Basic Income (UBI) is gaining support in the wake of massive robotisation and rising disgust for the 1%. Rational support for the dealings of the super-rich is severely dented; the right of patent protection is rightly questioned. Protecting the economy is often not in line with protecting the consumer and worker. In short, the question of what is detrimental to the economy is shifting to the question of what is detrimental to the individual. All that does not maximise their welfare and well-being is by definition detrimental to life on earth.

“The most beautiful choice is, every individual using his or her free will can choose to follow and implement truth in all the decisions in their life.”

6. Operational Solution

But how can this shift from power centres to the individual take place? Power centres are necessary for the operational functionality of society, one will say. It is practically not possible to transfer centralised power and decision making to uncentralised venues, i.e. the individual. This is not correct though, as present technologies like blockchain can support this shift very effectively. Blockchain technology makes it practically possible to receive an informed standpoint from every citizen involved in a certain issue.

7. The End of Falsehood

When we expand our view and observe the consequences of this shift of power and justice, we are pointed to an unknown phenomenon. Falsehood, as a force, is embedded in our society at all times. Its power has been unrelenting and nearly unchallenged for ages. But we can ask ourselves: have we reached the point, the tipping point, where falsehood can be effectively and successfully challenged? Has the time come when one cannot hide the falsehood of the past anymore? Is all falsehood destined to come into the limelight as support for the actions to keep it in the dark unknown, dwindling fast? Is falsehood, by its lost power, becoming effectively untenable?

8. But is the World Not Showing us the Opposite?

A rightful question can be posed: does the state of the world not show us the opposite? Falsehood is presented as alternative truth, popular vote disrupts our society and climate change is threatening our future!

But when we view the world from this wider perspective, it becomes clear that for truth to replace falsehood, it is necessary that falsehood that is buried, falsehood that is covered, falsehood that masquerades as truth, must be revealed first, brought into the open: we must face falsehood in all its intricacies first. Everything in the world seems to be collaborating to do so and opens to us the choice. Actually the most beautiful choice is, every individual using his or her free will can choose to follow and implement truth in all the decisions in their life.

The shift of power to the individual makes it evident that every single individual has a free choice and can act to add to the strength of the tipping point and bring a life of beauty and truth into their reach.

“Can WAAS organise itself to become an effective instrument to promote truth in a world that is moving towards harmony and truth?”

9. WAAS can Promote Truth in Art and Science

If we take the view that falsehood is becoming untenable, we can ask what role our WAAS can play. Can WAAS organise itself to become an effective instrument to promote truth in a world that is moving towards harmony and truth?

About the author:

Robert van Harten
President & Founder, De Moeder's Geuren Foundation, The Netherlands; Member, WAAS Standing Committee on Peace & Development
