Hier vind je de gesprekken (over het algemeen in het Frans) die Satprem, een discipel van de Moeder en Sri Aurobindo, in 1964 met de Moeder heeft gehad over het Grote Werk waar de Moeder mee bezig was. Deze gesprekken zijn ook ook gebundeld in het 13-delige “Moeder’s Agenda” en is een werkelijk avontuur om te lezen.
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“The only hope for the future is a change in man’s consciousness. It is up to men to decide if they will collaborate with it or if this change will be enforced on them by overpowering circumstances.” As the new Force infiltrates Mother’s body, it is the problem of the earth that is increasingly in question. How will the earth take that “vibration with the intensity of a superior fire”? “I see very few bodies around me capable of withstanding it… So what will happen?”
This is the year of the first Chinese atomic bomb. Mother is 86. “A minuscule, infinitesimal, speckled infiltration – the miracle of the earth!” A catastrophic miracle? Is not the butterfly a sort of catastrophe for the caterpillar? “Death isn’t a solution, so we are searching for another solution – there must be another solution.” Imperturbably, Mother goes deeper into the cellular consciousness, and deeper still: “A sort of deep-rooted certitude in matter that the solution lies there… It is at that atomic level that the change must take place; the state of infinitesimal vibrations in matter is what it’s all about.” Where time switches to something else: “Perhaps it’s in the past that I go, perhaps in the future, perhaps in the present?…” And even the laws of matter are changing: “The minute you go down to the cellular level, that sort of heaviness of matter disappears. It all begins to be fluid, vibrant again. Which would tend to prove that heaviness, thickness, inertia is something that has been added on – it’s false matter, the one we think or feel, but not matter as it really is.”
A true matter, then, which would be the matter of the next species? “I am on the verge of a new perception of life, as if certain parts of the consciousness were mutating from the caterpillar state to the butterfly state…” And the earth groans and protests – against what? “The whole youth seems to be seized by a strange vertigo…” Will we move to a next species or not?
bron: House of the Mother’s Agenda
download volume 5 (engels, 350 pagina’s): PDF | EPUB | MOBI
“Moeder’s Agenda” 1964tape opnames door Satprem |
Datum | Gespreksspeler | Afspeeltijd |
1964 |
4/01/64 | 18:17 | |
8/01/64 | 14:31 | |
15/01/64 | 21:54 | |
22/01/64 | 26:35 | |
25/01/64 | 10:20 | |
29/01/64 | 25:57 | |
31/01/64 | 01:36 | |
5/02/64 | 45:58 | |
15/02/64 | 00:20 | |
22/02/64 | 12:13 | |
26/02/64 | 11:38 | |
4/03/64 | 20:19 | |
7/03/64 | 41:00 | |
11/03/64 | 10:32 | |
25/03/64 | 53:24 | |
28/03/64 | 27:05 | |
8/04/64 | 12:06 | |
15/07/64 | 02:12 | |
31/07/64 | 05:00 | |
8/08/64 | 05:51 | |
11/08/64 | 41:38 | |
22/08/64 | 19:11 | |
29/08/64 | 03:37 | |
16/09/64 | 47:34 | |
18/09/64 | 13:52 | |
23/09/64 | 32:49 | |
26/09/64 | 37:19 | |
7/10/64 | 37:17 | |
10/10/64 | 27:30 | |
14/10/64 | 28:07 | |
30/10/64 | 53:17 | |
4/11/64 | 15:05 | |
12/11/64 | 31:55 | |
14/11/64 | 28:48 | |
21/11/64 | 37:16 | |
25/11/64 | 19:33 | |
28/11/64 | 30:41 | |
2/12/64 | 35:37 | |
7/12/64 | 33:33 | |