Savitri, boek 4 t/m 6: The Book of Birth and Quest, The Book of Love, The Book of Fate
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SAVITRI, INHOUD (klik op de link om direct naar het betreffende boek te gaan)
2. The Book of the Traveller of the Worlds
3. The Book of the Divine Mother
4. The Book of Birth and Quest
10. The Book of the Double Twilight
11. The Book of Everlasting Day
Book Four: The Book of Birth and Quest
4.1. The Birth and Childhood of the Flame
4.1.1 |
020 Across the burning languor of the soil
021 Paced Summer with his pomp of violent noons
022 And stamped his tyranny of torrid light
023 And the blue seal of a great burnished sky.
4.1.2 |
025 Rain-tide burst in upon torn wings of heat,
026 Startled with lightnings air’s unquiet drowse,
027 Lashed with life-giving streams the torpid soil,
028 Overcast with flare and sound and storm-winged dark
029 The star-defended doors of heaven’s dim sleep,
030 Or from the gold eye of her paramour
031 Covered with packed cloud-veils the earth’s brown face.
4.1.3 |
068 Earth’s mood now changed; she lay in lulled repose,
069 The hours went by with slow contented tread:
070 A wide and tranquil air remembered peace,
071 Earth was the comrade of a happy sun.
. . .
082 Three thoughtful seasons passed with shining tread
083 And scanning one by one the pregnant hours
084 Watched for a flame that lurked in luminous depths,
085 The vigil of some mighty birth to come.
4.1.4 |
086 Autumn led in the glory of her moons
087 And dreamed in the splendour of her lotus pools
4.1.5 |
088 And Winter and Dew-time laid their calm cool hands
089 On Nature’s bosom still in a half sleep
090 And deepened with hues of lax and mellow ease
091 The tranquil beauty of the waning year.
4.1.6 |
092 Then Spring, an ardent lover, leaped through leaves
093 And caught the earth-bride in his eager clasp;
094 His advent was a fire of irised hues,
095 His arms were a circle of the arrival of joy.
4.1.7 |
139 In this high signal moment of the gods
140 Answering earth’s yearning and her cry for bliss,
141 A greatness from our other countries came.
. . .
149 A spirit of its celestial source aware
. . .
151 Descended into earth’s imperfect mould
152 And wept not fallen to mortality,
153 But looked on all with large and tranquil eyes.
4.1.8 |
199 Outlined by the pressure of this new descent
200 A lovelier body formed than earth had known.
201 As yet a prophecy only and a hint,
202 The glowing arc of a charmed unseen whole,
203 It came into the sky of mortal life
204 Bright like the crescent horn of a gold moon
205 Returning in a faint illumined eve.
4.1.9 |
215 But soon the link of soul with form grew sure;
216 Flooded was the dim cave with slow conscient light,
217 The seed grew into a delicate marvellous bud,
218 The bud disclosed a great and heavenly bloom.
219 At once she seemed to found a mightier race.
. . .
229 Her nature dwelt in a strong separate air
230 Like a strange bird with large rich-coloured breast
231 That sojourns on a secret fruited bough,
232 Lost in the emerald glory of the woods
233 Or flies above divine unreachable tops.
4.1.10 |
335 An image made of heaven’s transparent light.
336 Its charm recalled things seen in vision’s hours,
337 A golden bridge spanning a faery flood,
338 A moon-touched palm-tree single by a lake
339 Companion of the wide and glimmering peace,
340 A murmur as of leaves in Paradise
341 Moving when feet of the Immortals pass,
342 A fiery halo over sleeping hills,
343 A strange and starry head alone in Night.
4.2. The Growth of the Flame
4.2.1 |
001 A land of mountains and wide sun-beat plains
002 And giant rivers pacing to vast seas,
003 A field of creation and spiritual hush,
004 Silence swallowing life’s acts into the deeps,
005 Of thought’s transcendent climb and heavenward leap,
006 A brooding world of reverie and trance,
007 Filled with the mightiest works of God and man,
008 Where Nature seemed a dream of the Divine
009 And beauty and grace and grandeur had their home,
010 Harboured the childhood of the incarnate Flame.
4.2.2 |
(zonder achtergrondmuziek) |
057. Intense philosophies pointed earth to heaven
062. Sculpture and painting concentrated sense
063. Upon an inner vision’s motionless verge,
067. The architecture of the Infinite
068. Discovered here its inward-musing shapes
069. Captured into wide breadths of soaring stone:
070. Music brought down celestial yearnings, song
071. Held the merged heart absorbed in rapturous depths,
073. The world-interpreting movements of the dance
074. Moulded idea and mood to a rhythmic sway
4.2.3 |
152 A friend and yet too great wholly to know,
153 She walked in their front towards a greater light,
154 Their leader and queen over their hearts and souls,
155 One close to their bosoms, yet divine and far.
4.2.4 |
205 They were moved by her towards great unknown things,
. . .
208 Some turned to her against their nature’s bent;
209 Divided between wonder and revolt,
. . .
212 Impatient subjects, their tied longing hearts
213 Hugging the bonds close of which they most complained,
214 Murmured at a yoke they would have wept to lose,
215 The splendid yoke of her beauty and her love:
4.2.5 |
265 The Force in her drew earth’s subhuman broods;
266 And to her spirit’s large and free delight
267 She joined the ardent-hued magnificent lives
268 Of animal and bird and flower and tree.
269 They answered to her with the simple heart.
4.2.6 |
301 A key to a Light still kept in being’s cave,
302 The sun-word of an ancient mystery’s sense,
303 Her name ran murmuring on the lips of men
4.2.7 |
312 No equal heart came close to join her heart,
. . .
335 Midst those encircling lives her spirit dwelt,
336 Apart in herself until her hour of fate.
4.3. The Call to the Quest
4.3.1 |
001 A morn that seemed a new creation’s front,
002 Bringing a greater sunlight, happier skies,
003 Came burdened with a beauty moved and strange
004 Out of the changeless origin of things.
. . .
014 King Aswapati listened through the ray
015 To other sounds than meet the sense-formed ear.
4.3.2 |
109 The Voice withdrew into its hidden skies.
110 But like a shining answer from the gods
111 Approached through sun-bright spaces Savitri.
4.3.3 |
165 An impromptu from the deeper sight within,
166 Thoughts rose in him that knew not their own scope.
167 Then to those large and brooding depths whence Love
168 Regarded him across the straits of mind,
169 He spoke in sentences from the unseen Heights.
4.3.4 |
239 Accustomed scenes were now an ended play:
240 Moving in muse amid familiar powers,
241 Touched by new magnitudes and fiery signs,
242 She turned to vastnesses not yet her own;
243 Allured her heart throbbed to unknown sweetnesses;
244 The secrets of an unseen world were close.
4.3.5 |
255 When the pale dawn slipped through Night’s shadowy guard,
256 Vainly the new-born light desired her face;
257 The palace woke to its own emptiness;
258 The sovereign of its daily joys was far;
259 Her moonbeam feet tinged not the lucent floors:
260 The beauty and divinity were gone.
261 Delight had fled to search the spacious world.
4.4. The Quest
4.4.1 |
001 The world-ways opened before Savitri.
. . .
025 A guidance turned the dumb revolving wheels
026 And in the eager body of their speed
027 The dim-masked hooded godheads rode who move
028 Assigned to man immutably from his birth,
029 Receivers of the inner and outer law,
030 At once the agents of his spirit’s will
031 And witnesses and executors of his fate.
4.4.2 |
079 Often from gilded dusk to argent dawn,
080 Where jewel-lamps flickered on frescoed walls
081 And the stone lattice stared at moonlit boughs,
082 Half-conscious of the tardy listening night
083 Dimly she glided between banks of sleep
084 At rest in the slumbering palaces of kings.
4.4.3 |
085 Hamlet and village saw the fate-wain pass,
086 Homes of a life bent to the soil it ploughs
087 For sustenance of its short and passing days
088 That, transient, keep their old repeated course,
089 Unchanging in the circle of a sky
090 Which alters not above our mortal toil.
4.4.4 |
091 Away from this thinking creature’s burdened hours
092 To free and griefless spaces now she turned
. . .
094 Here was the childhood of primaeval earth,
. . .
097 Imperial acres of the eternal sower
098 And wind-stirred grass-lands winking in the sun:
099 Or mid green musing of woods and rough-browed hills,
100 In the grove’s murmurous bee-air humming wild
101 Or past the long lapsing voice of silver floods
102 Like a swift hope journeying among its dreams
103 Hastened the chariot of the golden bride.
4.4.5 |
131 The bosom of our mother kept for us still
132 Her austere regions and her musing depths,
133 Her impersonal reaches lonely and inspired
134 And the mightinesses of her rapture haunts.
. . .
147 August, exulting in her Maker’s eye,
148 She felt her nearness to him in earth’s breast,
149 Conversed still with a Light behind the veil,
150 Still communed with Eternity beyond.
4.4.6 |
190 The seers attuned to the universal Will,
191 Content in Him who smiles behind earth’s forms,
192 Abode ungrieved by the insistent days.
193 About them like green trees girdling a hill
194 Young grave disciples fashioned by their touch,
195 Trained to the simple act and conscious word,
196 Greatened within and grew to meet their heights.
4.4.7 |
259 As floats a sunbeam through a shady place,
260 The golden virgin in her carven car
261 Came gliding among meditation’s seats.
. . .
277 Awake in candid dawn or darkness mooned,
278 To the still touch inclined the daughter of Flame
279 Drank in hushed splendour between tranquil lids
280 And felt the kinship of eternal calm.
4.4.8 |
(zonder achtergrondmuziek) |
281. But morn broke in reminding her of her quest
282. And from low rustic couch or mat she rose
283. And went impelled on her unfinished way
284. And followed the fateful orbit of her life
4.4.9 |
315 Still unaccomplished was the fateful quest;
316 Still she found not the one predestined face
317 For which she sought amid the sons of men.
Book Five: The Book of Love
5.1. The Destined Meeting-Place
5.1.1 |
001 But now the destined spot and hour were close;
002 Unknowing she had neared her nameless goal.
. . .
028 Pale waters ran like glimmering threads of pearl.
029 A sigh was straying among happy leaves;
030 Cool-perfumed with slow pleasure-burdened feet
031 Faint stumbling breezes faltered among flowers.
032 The white crane stood, a vivid motionless streak,
033 Peacock and parrot jewelled soil and tree,
034 The dove’s soft moan enriched the enamoured air
035 And fire-winged wild-drakes swam in silvery pools.
5.1.2 |
067 A matted forest-head invaded heaven
068 As if a blue-throated ascetic peered
069 From the stone fastness of his mountain cell
070 Regarding the brief gladness of the days;
071 His vast extended spirit couched behind.
5.2. Satyavan
5.2.1 |
034 As might a soul on Nature’s background limned
035 Stand out for a moment in a house of dream
036 Created by the ardent breath of life,
037 So he appeared against the forest verge
038 Inset twixt green relief and golden ray.
. . .
046 His look was a wide daybreak of the gods,
047 His head was a youthful Rishi’s touched with light,
048 His body was a lover’s and a king’s.
5.2.2 |
085 At first her glance that took life’s million shapes
086 Impartially to people its treasure-house
087 Along with sky and flower and hill and star,
088 Dwelt rather on the bright harmonious scene.
. . .
111 Her vision settled, caught and all was changed.
112 Her mind at first dwelt in ideal dreams,
. . .
115 And saw in him the genius of the spot,
116 A symbol figure standing mid earth’s scenes,
117 A king of life outlined in delicate air.
5.2.3 |
118 Yet this was but a moment’s reverie;
119 For suddenly her heart looked out at him,
120 The passionate seeing used thought cannot match,
121 And knew one nearer than its own close strings.
. . .
145 Hooves trampling fast, wheels largely stumbling ceased;
146 The chariot stood like an arrested wind.
147 And Satyavan looked out from his soul’s doors
148 And felt the enchantment of her liquid voice
149 Fill his youth’s purple ambience and endured
150 The haunting miracle of a perfect face.
5.2.4 |
151 Mastered by the honey of a strange flower-mouth,
152 Drawn to soul-spaces opening round a brow,
153 He turned to the vision like a sea to the moon
154 And suffered a dream of beauty and of change,
155 Discovered the aureole round a mortal’s head,
156 Adored a new divinity in things.
5.2.5 |
164 Marvelling he came across the golden sward:
165 Gaze met close gaze and clung in sight’s embrace.
5.2.6 |
203 There is a Power within that knows beyond
204 Our knowings; we are greater than our thoughts,
205 And sometimes earth unveils that vision here.
206 To live, to love are signs of infinite things,
207 Love is a glory from eternity’s spheres.
5.3. Satyavan and Savitri
5.3.1 |
017 Thus Satyavan spoke first to Savitri:
. . .
023 How art thou named among the sons of men?
. . .
050 I have heard strange voices cross the ether’s waves,
051 The Centaur’s wizard song has thrilled my ear;
052 I have glimpsed the Apsaras bathing in the pools,
053 I have seen the wood-nymphs peering through the leaves;
054 The winds have shown to me their trampling lords,
055 I have beheld the princes of the Sun
056 Burning in thousand-pillared homes of light.
057 So now my mind could dream and my heart fear
. . .
060 Thou drov’st thy horses from the Thunderer’s worlds.
5.3.2 |
100 Musing she answered, “I am Savitri,
101 Princess of Madra. Who art thou? What name
102 Musical on earth expresses thee to men?
103 What trunk of kings watered by fortunate streams
104 Has flowered at last upon one happy branch?
5.3.3 |
112 And Satyavan replied to Savitri:
113 “In days when yet his sight looked clear on life,
114 King Dyumatsena once, the Shalwa, reigned
. . .
122 Heaven’s brilliant gods recalled their careless gifts,
123 Took from blank eyes their glad and helping ray
. . .
127 He sojourns in two solitudes, within
128 And in the solemn rustle of the woods.
129 Son of that king, I, Satyavan, have lived
130 Contented, for not yet of thee aware,
131 In my high-peopled loneliness of spirit
5.3.4 |
164 A visioned spell pursued my boyhood’s hours,
. . .
173 The neighing pride of rapid life that roams
174 Wind-maned through our pastures, on my seeing mood
175 Cast shapes of swiftness; trooping spotted deer
176 Against the vesper sky became a song
177 Of evening to the silence of my soul.
178 I caught for some eternal eye the sudden
179 King-fisher flashing to a darkling pool;
180 A slow swan silvering the azure lake,
181 A shape of magic whiteness, sailed through dream;
. . .
183 Pranked butterflies, the conscious flowers of air,
. . .
187 The brilliant long-bills in their vivid dress,
188 The peacock scattering on the breeze his moons
189 Painted my memory like a frescoed wall.
5.3.5 |
209 I glimpsed the presence of the One in all.
210 But still there lacked the last transcendent power
. . .
216 I shall feel the World-Mother in thy golden limbs
217 And hear her wisdom in thy sacred voice.
5.3.6 |
223 “Speak more to me, speak more, O Satyavan,
224 Speak of thyself and all thou art within;
. . .
227 Speak till a light shall come into my heart
228 And my moved mortal mind shall understand
229 What all the deathless being in me feels.
230 It knows that thou art he my spirit has sought
231 Amidst earth’s thronging visages and forms
232 Across the golden spaces of my life.”
5.3.7 |
233 And Satyavan like a replying harp
234 To the insistent calling of a flute
235 Answered her questioning and let stream to her
236 His heart in many-coloured waves of speech:
237 “O golden princess, perfect Savitri,
. . .
309 Wilt thou not make this mortal bliss thy sphere?
310 Descend, O happiness, with thy moon-gold feet
311 Enrich earth’s floors upon whose sleep we lie.
5.3.8 |
327 “O Satyavan, I have heard thee and I know;
328 I know that thou and only thou art he.”
329 Then down she came from her high carven car
330 Descending with a soft and faltering haste;
. . .
335 Her gleaming feet upon the green-gold sward
336 Scattered a memory of wandering beams
337 And lightly pressed the unspoken desire of earth
338 Cherished in her too brief passing by the soil.
5.3.9 |
339 Then flitting like pale-brilliant moths her hands
340 Took from the sylvan verge’s sunlit arms
341 A load of their jewel-faces’ clustering swarms,
342 Companions of the spring-time and the breeze.
343 A candid garland set with simple forms
344 Her rapid fingers taught a flower song,
345 The stanzaed movement of a marriage hymn.
5.3.10 |
349 A sacrament of joy in treasuring palms
350 She brought, flower-symbol of her offered life,
351 Then with raised hands that trembled a little now
352 At the very closeness that her soul desired,
353 This bond of sweetness, their bright union’s sign,
354 She laid on the bosom coveted by her love.
5.3.11 |
355 As if inclined before some gracious god
356 Who has out of his mist of greatness shone
357 To fill with beauty his adorer’s hours,
358 She bowed and touched his feet with worshipping hands;
. . .
360 And made her body the room of his delight,
361 Her beating heart a remembrancer of bliss.
5.3.12 |
362. He bent to her and took into his own
363. Their married yearning joined like folded hopes;
5.3.13 |
364 As if a whole rich world suddenly possessed,
365 Wedded to all he had been, became himself,
366 An inexhaustible joy made his alone,
367 He gathered all Savitri into his clasp.
5.3.14 |
(zonder achtergrondmuziek) |
408. Then down the narrow path where their lives had met
409. He led and showed to her her future world,
410. Love’s refuge and corner of happy solitude.
433. Once more she mounted on the carven car
434. And under the ardour of a fiery noon
435. Less bright than the splendour of her thoughts and dreams
436. She sped swift-reined, swift-hearted but still saw
437. In still lucidities of sight’s inner world
Book Six: The Book of Fate
6.1. The Word of Fate
6.1.1 |
001 In silent bounds bordering the mortal’s plane
002 Crossing a wide expanse of brilliant peace
003 Narad the heavenly sage from Paradise
004 Came chanting through the large and lustrous air.
6.1.2 |
077 As darts a lightning streak, a glory fell
078 Nearing until the rapt eyes of the sage
079 Looked out from luminous cloud and, strangely limned,
080 His face, a beautiful mask of antique joy,
081 Appearing in light descended where arose
082 King Aswapati’s palace to the winds
083 In Madra, flowering up in delicate stone.
6.1.3 |
(zonder achtergrondmuziek) |
084. There welcomed him the sage and thoughtful king,
085. At his side a creature beautiful, passionate, wise,
086. Aspiring like a sacrificial flame
087. Skyward from its earth-seat through luminous air,
088. Queen-browed, the human mother of Savitri.
6.1.4 |
096 He sang to them of the lotus-heart of love
097 With all its thousand luminous buds of truth,
098 Which quivering sleeps veiled by apparent things.
6.1.5 |
107 Even as he sang and rapture stole through earth-time
108 And caught the heavens, came with a call of hooves,
109 As of her swift heart hastening, Savitri;
110 Her radiant tread glimmered across the floor.
. . .
118 She stood before her mighty father’s throne
. . .
123 He flung on her his vast immortal look;
124 His inner gaze surrounded her with its light
6.1.6 |
160 What feet of gods, what ravishing flutes of heaven
161 Have thrilled high melodies round, from near and far
162 Approaching through the soft and revelling air,
163 Which still surprised thou hearest? They have fed
164 Thy silence on some red strange-ecstasied fruit
165 And thou hast trod the dim moon-peaks of bliss.
166 Reveal, O winged with light, whence thou hast flown
167 Hastening bright-hued through the green tangled earth,
168 Thy body rhythmical with the spring-bird’s call.
6.1.7 |
214 But Aswapati answered to the seer;—
280 As grows the great and golden bounteous tree
281 Flowering by Alacananda’s murmuring waves,
282 Where with enamoured speed the waters run
283 Lisping and babbling to the splendour of morn
284 And cling with lyric laughter round the knees
285 Of heaven’s daughters dripping magic rain
286 Pearl-bright from moon-gold limbs and cloudy hair,
287 So are her dawns like jewelled leaves of light,
288 So casts she her felicity on men.
6.1.8 |
325 Virgin who comest perfected by joy,
326 Reveal the name thy sudden heart-beats learned.
327 Whom hast thou chosen, kingliest among men?”
328 And Savitri answered with her still calm voice
329 As one who speaks beneath the eyes of Fate:
330 “Father and king, I have carried out thy will.
331 One whom I sought I found in distant lands;
332 I have obeyed my heart, I have heard its call.
. . .
339 My father, I have chosen. This is done.”
6.1.9 |
340 Astonished, all sat silent for a space.
341 Then Aswapati looked within and saw
342 A heavy shadow float above the name
343 Chased by a sudden and stupendous light;
6.1.10 |
391 But now the queen alarmed lifted her voice:
392 “O seer, thy bright arrival has been timed
393 To this high moment of a happy life;
. . .
512 Hide not from us our doom, if doom is ours.
513 This is the worst, an unknown face of Fate,
514 A terror ominous, mute, felt more than seen
515 Behind our seat by day, our couch by night,
516 A Fate lurking in the shadow of our hearts,
517 The anguish of the unseen that waits to strike.
518 To know is best, however hard to bear.”
6.1.11 |
519 Then cried the sage piercing the mother’s heart,
520 Forcing to steel the will of Savitri,
521 His words set free the spring of cosmic Fate.
. . .
531 “The truth thou hast claimed; I give to thee the truth.
586 Heaven’s greatness came, but was too great to stay.
587 Twelve swift-winged months are given to him and her;
588 This day returning Satyavan must die.”
6.1.12 |
590 But the queen cried: “Vain then can be heaven’s grace!
. . .
596 Mounting thy car go forth, O Savitri,
597 And travel once more through the peopled lands.
. . .
605 Plead not thy choice, for death has made it vain.
. . .
609 But Savitri answered from her violent heart,-
. . .
611 “Once my heart chose and chooses not again.
612 The word I have spoken can never be erased,
613 It is written in the record book of God.
6.1.13 |
638 “O child, in the magnificence of thy soul
639 Dwelling on the border of a greater world
640 And dazzled by thy superhuman thoughts,
641 Thou lendst eternity to a mortal hope.
. . .
680 Thou who art human, think not like a god.
681 For man, below the god, above the brute,
682 Is given the calm reason as his guide;
. . .
698 Leave not thy goal to follow a beautiful face.
6.1.14 |
718 But Savitri replied with steadfast eyes:
. . .
748 If for a year, that year is all my life.
749 And yet I know this is not all my fate
750 Only to live and love awhile and die.
751 For I know now why my spirit came on earth
752 And who I am and who he is I love.
753 I have looked at him from my immortal Self,
754 I have seen God smile at me in Satyavan;
755 I have seen the Eternal in a human face.”
6.2. The Way of Fate and the Problem of Pain
6.2.1 |
190 Then after a silence Narad made reply:
191 Tuning his lips to earthly sound he spoke,
. . .
273 Implacable in the passion of their will,
274 Lifting the hammers of titanic toil
275 The demiurges of the universe work;
276 They shape with giant strokes their own; their sons
277 Are marked with their enormous stamp of fire.
6.2.2 |
298 The Eternal suffers in a human form,
299 He has signed salvation’s testament with his blood:
300 He has opened the doors of his undying peace.
. . .
329 How shall he cure the ills he never felt?
. . .
335 He carries the suffering world in his own breast;
6.2.3 |
400 “Hard is the world-redeemer’s heavy task;
. . .
489 He must enter the eternity of Night
490 And know God’s darkness as he knows his Sun.
491 For this he must go down into the pit,
492 For this he must invade the dolorous Vasts.
493 Imperishable and wise and infinite,
494 He still must travel Hell the world to save.
6.2.4 |
527 Haste not towards Godhead on a dangerous road,
528 Open not thy doorways to a nameless Power,
529 Climb not to Godhead by the Titan’s road.
530 Against the Law he pits his single will,
531 Across its way he throws his pride of might.
532 Heavenward he clambers on a stair of storms
533 Aspiring to live near the deathless sun.
6.2.5 |
603 Bear; thou shalt find at last thy road to bliss.
604 Bliss is the secret stuff of all that lives,
. . .
613 Indifference, pain and joy, a triple disguise,
614 Attire of the rapturous Dancer in the ways,
615 Withhold from thee the body of God’s bliss.
6.2.6 |
620 “O mortal who complainst of death and fate,
. . .
623 Thou art thyself the author of thy pain.
624 Once in the immortal boundlessness of Self,
625 In a vast of Truth and Consciousness and Light
626 The soul looked out from its felicity.
. . .
630 Then, curious of a shadow thrown by Truth,
631 It strained towards some otherness of self,
632 It was drawn to an unknown Face peering through night.
. . .
653 As one drawn by the grandeur of the Void
654 The soul attracted leaned to the Abyss:
6.2.7 |
677 A huge descent began, a giant fall:
678 For what the spirit sees, creates a truth
679 And what the soul imagines is made a world.
6.2.8 |
689 Then Aswapati answered to the seer:
. . .
694 I deemed a mighty Power had come with her;
695 Is not that Power the high compeer of Fate?”
696 But Narad answered covering truth with truth:
. . .
856 A day may come when she must stand unhelped
857 On a dangerous brink of the world’s doom and hers,
858 Carrying the world’s future on her lonely breast,
859 Carrying the human hope in a heart left sole
860 To conquer or fail on a last desperate verge,
6.2.9 |
898 He spoke and ceased and left the earthly scene.
899 Away from the strife and suffering on our globe,
900 He turned towards his far-off blissful home.
901 A brilliant arrow pointing straight to heaven,
902 The luminous body of the ethereal seer
903 Assailed the purple glory of the noon
904 And disappeared like a receding star
905 Vanishing into the light of the Unseen.